


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥291
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


关键词  Qt;多媒体播放器系统;设计;实现

Qt is a cross platform C++ graphical user interface application framework developed. It provides application developers with the functions needed to create art level GUI. Qt is completely object oriented, easy to expand, and allows real component programming.On the basis of Qt, this paper analyzes the actual design of the multimedia player system, uses the development process of software engineering and the idea of object oriented, constructs the overall framework of the multimedia player system, and provides a theoretical basis for the realization of the final multimedia player system. This paper introduces the generation process of the whole music media player from analysis to development to system design and testing, including 4 chapters. The first chapter is introduction, briefly introduces music and audio coding; the second chapter is system function, uses a use case diagram to express the basic functions required by the system; the third chapter is the system set up. On the basis of second chapters, each function of the system is listed in detail, and the fourth chapter is a system implementation, including the main interface, the screenshot and the code fragment of each functional interface. The test results show that the Qt based multimedia player system can run in the Qt5.2 of the Win7 or run in the Qt5.2 of the Ubuntu. The code only needs to be adjusted to reduce the code amount of the programmer, save the development cost, and provide an important reference for the future development.

Keywords Qt; multimedia player system; design; implementation.




摘要 i
Abstract ii
1  绪论 2
1.1  开发背景 2
1.2  系统目标 3
1.3  基于Qt程序的多媒体播放器系统的设计的必要性 3
2 系统的功能分析 4
3系统设计 5
3.1系统概要设计 5
3  需求分析 8
3.1  需求概述 8
3.2  系统用例图 8
3.3  系统关键领域类 9
4系统设计 10
4.1系统的编译与运行 10
4.2系统运行 10
4.3系统功能界面 11
4.3.1加入文件功能实现 11
4.3.2加入目录 14
4.3.3打开歌曲列表 16
4.3.4歌曲控制功能实现 18
4.3.5音量控制功能实现 20
4.3.6静音设置功能实现 20
4.3.7播放进度条功能实现 21
5  系统实现 22
5.1  树形结构显示 22
5.1.1  主要相关代码及说明 22
5.1.2  关键技术应用中问题的解决 24
5.2  播放列表 24
5.2.1  主要相关代码及说明 24
5.2.2  功能实现 28
5.3  读取MP3音频文件 28
5.3.1  主要相关代码 28
5.3.2  写代码时的思路依据 31
5.4  播放控制 31
5.4.1  主要相关功能的部分代码 31
5.4.2  媒体对象状态的简单介绍 36
5.5  播放进度条 36
5.5.1  主要相关功能的部分代码 36
6  系统测试 39
6.1  测试的意义 39
6.2  测试方法 39
6.3  测试过程 39
6.4  单元测试 40
6.5  测试总结 40
参考文献 42
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  • 关键词 QT 媒体播放器 实现
  • 上一篇:手机信号屏蔽器的研究与设计
  • 下一篇:电力机车司机室噪声控制研究
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