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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥291
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摘 要
电力机车噪声对人们的生活、工作及身心健康也产生了日益严重的影响。电力机车噪声的大小是衡量电力机车质量水平的重要指标, 因此, 电力机车噪声防治成为世界电力机车工业的一个重要课题。电力机车所产生的车外和车内噪声成因复杂,分析困难,要有效地控制电力机车车外加速噪声,首先要能准确地确定各声源所产生的部位从而寻求主声源,再结合各主声源噪声产生机理和传播途径,制定经济有效!切实可行的降噪措施进行噪声控制,提出了降低电力机车噪声的一些方法措施。本文对电力机车司机室噪声的来源进行了深入分析、识别,并阐述了主要设备产生噪声的机理。然后介绍了常用的噪声测量仪器,对在机车上进行的噪声动态测试结果进行了简要分析,得出了机车轮轨、机械间、驾驶室的噪声频率特性。在噪声控制方面,针对分析结果从密封、驾驶室和噪声源的隔声、吸声、消声提出了有效的降噪解决办法和改进建议。最后,在有源控噪方面,结合有源噪声控制技术理论,提出并制定了应用于电力机车驾驶室噪声控制的有源控噪系统方案及设计思路原理框图。

关键词: 电力机车;驾驶室;噪声;ANC
The noise of electric locomotives has also had an increasingly serious impact on people's lives, work and physical and mental health. The noise of electric locomotive is an important index to measure the quality of electric locomotive. Therefore, the noise prevention and control of electric locomotive has become an important issue in the world electric locomotive industry. The noise caused by electric locomotive is complicated, and it is difficult to analyze the noise of electric locomotive effectively. First of all, it is necessary to accurately determine the parts produced by each sound source so as to find the main sound source, and then combine the noise generation mechanism and the path of the main sound source, and make the effective and effective noise reduction measures. Noise control is carried out, and some measures to reduce the noise of electric locomotive are put forward. The source of noise in cab of electric locomotive is analyzed and identified in this paper, and the mechanism of noise produced by main equipment is expounded. Then the common noise measuring instruments are introduced, and the dynamic test results of the noise on the locomotive are briefly analyzed, and the noise frequency characteristics of the locomotive wheel rail, the mechanical room and the cab are obtained. In the field of noise control, the effective noise reduction solutions and improvement suggestions are proposed for the analysis results from the sound insulation, sound absorption and noise elimination of the seal, the cab and the noise source. Finally, in the active noise control, combined with the active noise control technology theory, the active noise control system scheme and the design principle block diagram for the noise control of the electric locomotive cab are put forward and formulated.

Key words: electric locomotive; cab; noise; ANC.


1  绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外机车驾驶室噪声研究发展概况 3
2  电力机车驾驶室噪声污染及危害分析 8
(1)对听力的影响 8
(2)其他疾病 8
3  电力机车整机组成及噪声源识别 9
3.1 电力机车总体布置 9
3.2 噪声源识别技术 10
3.3 机车部分设备噪声源识别 13
3.4 主要噪声机理分析 14
4  噪声测试及分析 16
4.1 噪声测量常用仪器 16
4.2 电力机车司机室噪声测试分析 22
5  噪声控制及降噪设计 27
5.1 噪声传播与控制 27
5.2 电力机车驾驶室噪声传统无源控制 29
5.3 电力机车驾驶室噪声有源控制(ANC) 35
结论与展望 40
参考文献 41
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  • 关键词 电力机车 司机 噪声控制 研究
  • 上一篇:基于QT的多媒体播放器系统的设计与实现
  • 下一篇:基于CAV424的粮食含水率测量系统的设计
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