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  • 更新时间2024年
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在一个人脸识别系统中,其中非常重要的是应用多种预处理技术对将要识别的图片进行标准化处理。多数人脸识别算法对光照条件十分敏感,所以假如在暗室训练,在明亮的房间就可能不会被识别出来等等。这个问题可归于“lumination dependent”,并且还有其它很多例子,比如脸部也应当在图片的一个十分固定的位置(比如眼睛位置为相同的像素坐标),基本固定的大小,不同的旋转角度,不同款式头发、装饰和表情(笑,怒等),光照方向(向左或向上等),这就是在进行人脸识别前,使用好的图片预处理过滤器十分重要的原因。你还应该做一些其它事情,比如去除脸部周围的多余像素(如用椭圆遮罩,只显示其内部的人脸区域而不是头发或图片背景,因为他们的变化大多在脸部区域)
现有的人脸识别算法有很多,开发工具和开发语言更是应有尽有,本系统主要应用的开发软件是Microsoft Visual Studio 2012,数据库采用的是SQL Server 2012,在实现人脸识别模块中调用EmguCV的库函数。运用软件工程设计的方法,对系统进行需求分析、系统总体设计、对模块进行详细的设计和数据库设计等步骤。
Face recognition System of check on work attendance
Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology, automation, light-duty, highly efficient production requirements, make the whole information industry fast development, the image recognition technology are gradually stepping into the stage of history, especially in the forensic investigation, image unlock, company attendance, expression analysis and other fields, has gradually become the beacon of scientific research personnel rushed to rush. Face recognition technology, is based on the identity of the person's facial features information a biological technology. With a camera or camera collection contains face images or video stream, and automatically detecting and tracking human face in the image, and then to detect face to face a series of related technologies, often also called portrait recognition, facial recognition.
In a face recognition system, which is very important is the application of a variety of pretreatment technology for standardizing to identify images.Most face recognition algorithm is sensitive to light conditions, so if the training in a dark room, in the bright room may not be identified, and so on.This problem can be attributed to "lumination dependent", and there are many other examples, such as the face should be in the picture a very fixed location (such as eye position for the same pixel coordinates), the size of the basic fixed, different rotation Angle, different hair style, decoration and expression (laughter, anger, etc.), light direction (left or up, etc.), which is before in face recognition, use good image preprocessing filter is very important.You should also do some other things, such as remove redundant pixels around the face (such as elliptical mask, show only the face region rather than within the hair or background images, because most of their changes in facial region)
There are a lot of existing face recognition algorithm, development tools and development language is everything, this system is mainly the development of application software is Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, database using SQL Server 2012, realize face recognition module invokes the EmguCV library functions.By using the method of software engineering design on the system demand analysis, system overall design, the module detailed design and database design steps, etc.
Keywords:face recognition ; attendance system ; face recognition ; feature extraction
基于人脸识别考勤系统 1
第1章 绪论 4
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 4
1.2 人脸识别国内外研究现状 5
第2章 相关理论介绍 6
2.1 计算机中视觉处理与表示 6
2.2 人脸图像的识别 7
2.3 人脸识别研究的算法和技术 7
2.3.1 AdaBoost算法 8
2.3.2 图像预处理 8
2.3.3 人脸图片Haar特征的提取 10
第3章 系统设计 13
3.1 系统总体模块设计 13
3.2 系统部分功能模块设计 14
3.2.1 前段数据采集设计 14
3.2.2 云端数据库设计 14
3.2.3 终端应用设计 17
第4章 系统实现与部署 20
4.1 总体系统功能流程 20
4.2 前端数据采集流程 21
4.3 云端数据库实现流程 21
4.4 系统重要功能部署 22
4.4.1 人脸识别功能架设要求 22
4.4.2 人脸数据库的配置部署 23
4.4.3人脸的检测和识别 24
第5章 总结与展望 25
5.1 总结 25
5.2 展望 25
参考文献 26
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