


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥309
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-29)
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摘  要
随着计算机在人们生活中的普及和深入,传统的鼠标和键盘难以满足日益多样化的控制需求。基于视觉的体感控制是实现新一代人机交互所不可缺少的一项关键技术。Kinect 作为一款革命性的产品,正在提供一项全新的人机交互的方式,使人机互动的理念更加彻底的展现出来。它能够捕捉、跟踪以及识别人体的动作,手势以及声音。
本文内容涵盖对人机交互技术应用的介绍,Kinect硬件设备构造与原理的分析,Kinect开发技术的介绍,并利用Kinect在Windows 7系统下,使用C#语言设计了一套人体动作识别系统。本系统通过设置合适的阈值,判断用左手与头部在Kinect空间Y轴的距离是否超过阈值控制鼠标左键的按下与弹起。通过右手在空气中的移动的坐标映射到屏幕坐标控制鼠标移动。本设计与其他同类设计相比,主要创新之处有以下几点:
1) 本系统在使用前无需对系统进行训练,提高了人体动作识别系统的便捷性。
2) 本系统使用关节点相对位置判断操作意图,不需要进行手势识别,提高了控制识别的成功率。
3) 本系统在人体动作识别的过程中加入了滤波算法和平滑参数,提高了系统的流畅性和稳定性。

As computers spread in people's lives and deepening, the traditional mouse and keyboard control is difficult to meet the increasingly diverse needs. Vision-based motion control is a key technology to achieve a new generation of human-computer interaction. As a revolutionary product, Kinect is providing a new way of human-computer interaction, makes the idea of ​​ human-computer interaction more thoroughly unfolded. It can capture and track and recognize the movement of the human body, gestures and voice.
This article covers an introduction to human-computer interaction technology, an analysis to Kinect hardware structure and theory, Kinect development technology introduction and use Kinect on Windows systems, using the C# language design a motion control system. By setting an appropriate threshold to determine whether the distance between his left hand and head in the Y axis of Kinect space exceeds the threshold, the system control the left mouse button press and bounce. By mapping the coordinates of the air to the screen, the system can control of the mouse movement. Finally, we use the PC game "Fruit Ninja" to test the system under different lighting conditions. The test results showed that: the system in the changing light conditions has good robustness.
Compared with other similar design, the main innovations of this design are the following:
1) Before using the system, users don’t need any system training, which makes the motion control system more easily to use.
2) In this system, we use the relative position of joints to determine operation intention, instead of gesture recognition, which improves the success rate of control identification
3) In skeletal tracking process,we add filtering algorithms and smoothing parameters to improve the fluency and stability of the system.
Key Words:Kinect; somatosensory control; human-computer interaction; skeletal tracking

目  录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.3 课题研究内容 4
第2章 Kinect人体动作识别系统开发介绍 5
2.1 Kinect简介 5
2.2 Kinect驱动平台 7
2.3 Kinect工作原理 8
第3章 设计实现 9
3.1 总体设计方案 9
3.2 实验平台搭建 10
3.2.1 软硬件环境 10
3.2.2 Kinect的安装 10
3.3 Kinect数据采集 10
3.3.1 Kinect彩色图像数据采集 10
3.3.2 Kinect深度图像数据采集 11
3.3.3 Kinect骨骼数据采集 13
3.4 数据处理 14
3.4.1 深度图像二值化处理 14
3.4.2 骨路关节点的平滑处理 15
3.5 Kinect数据合并 17
3.6 深度图像空间坐标 18
3.7 骨骼空间坐标 18
3.8 NUI坐标转换 19
3.9 系统功能核心代码 20
第4章 系统测试分析 28
第5章 总结与展望 30
5.1 总结 30
5.2 展望 30
参考文献 32
致谢 34

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  • 关键词 3D 体感 摄像机 kinect 人体 动作 识别 软件
  • 上一篇:层次分析法在无线网络虚拟化资源分配技术中的应用研究
  • 下一篇:基于3D影像定位摄像机kinect的几何影像定位与辨识识别软件设计
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