


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥308
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-28)
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摘   要
本文介绍的是使用Adobe Premiere Pro,Photoshopcs3, Flashcs4,After Effects CS4等技术实现的毕业季致青春纪念相册。该相册主要在Flashcs4中编辑与制作,并运用After Effects ,Adobe Premiere Pro,Photoshop cs3对素材进行美化和做一些场景特效。该相册主要分为三大部分:片头、主要内容和片尾。记录学校的每个角落及大学三年学习和生活中的点滴。纪念册的构思、设计与实现过程。论证了创建多媒体毕业季致青春纪念册的可行性、必要性和实用性,多媒体毕业季致青春纪念册与传统的纸介质纪念册比较,具有省钱、省时、方便、信息丰富且能动态跟踪的特点。
关键字:毕业季致青春纪念册; Photoshopcs3; Premiere pro  Flash




Graduation album design and production
The world enters the twenty-first Century computer appear and gradually universal, the information impact on the society gradually increased to a absolutely important position, humans from electrical era to the information era. Information technology innovation, along with the multimedia computer, multimedia software and the development of digital technology, multimedia technology has been integrated into the society, all aspects of life : video production, advertising animation, computer game development, building and decorating design, teaching, product development, exhibition and so on, can be said that the multimedia technology is everywhere. Multimedia works with its unique advantage of changing people's study, work and life.. Multimedia work for more and more people are loved and accepted, has gradually become the people to study, work and life indispensable part, so as to inspire more people began to engage in multimedia software development and production. Long-term since students are on paper medium graduation album to record students graduation memories and sincere friendship, although now Yearbook do is very beautiful, but along with the network information age digital production life of rapid application development, the traditional graduation album content, making laborious disadvantages still more outstanding, with the age of the Internet very unworthily, times call for the traditional graduation album must with brand-new multimedia graduation album styles to meet rich dynamic information service requirements.
This paper describes is the use of Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshopcs3, Flashcs4, After Effects CS4 technology to realize the graduation album. The album is mainly in the Flashcs4 editing and production, and the use of After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop CS3 material for landscaping and do some scenes and special effects. The album consists of three main parts: titles, the main content, trailer. Record every corner of the school and three years of university study and life. Album design, the design and the realization process. Demonstrates creating multimedia Yearbook the feasibility, necessity and practicality, multimedia graduation album with the traditional paper medium album, save money, save time, having convenient, abundant information and dynamic tracking characteristics.
Keywords: graduation album; Photoshopcs3; Premiere Pro Flash cs


目 录
摘   要 I
Abstract II
前言 1
第1章 开发工具 2
1.1 电子相册设计的基本知识 2
1.2  Adobe Premiere Pro简介 2
1.3  Photoshop概述 3
1.4  Flash cs4的简介 3
第2章 电子相册需求分析 4
第3章 电子相册的设计与实现 5
3.1 总体设计结构图 5
3.2 具体制作过程 6
3.2.1 素材收集及处理 6
3.2.2 毕业季致青春纪念册的片头设计 7
3.2.3 主体内容设计 7-13
3.2.4 片尾设计 13
3.2.5 字幕设计 14
3.2.6 添加背景音乐 14
第4章 电子相册调试 15
总结与展望 16
参考文献 17
致  谢 18

[2]《Photoshop cs3》萨师煊编著,高等教育出版社  2010-06
[3]《premiere pro cs4》,缪亮编著,清华大学出版社 2010-07
[5]《jvav脚本编程》,文戈编著,哈尔滨工业大学出版社 2010-06


http://www.bysj360.com/  http://www.bysj360.com/html/5215.html   http://www.bylw520.net


  • 关键词 毕业 季致 青春 系列 相册
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