


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥309
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
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【关键词】激光在线测径  相位测量  自动数字测相 
Design of laser ranging system
[Abstract]The laser ranging is a technology for precision measurement, it is developing along with the development of the laser technology, which is extensively used in the military field and the civil field because of the good accuracy. Laser has a strong directional, high brightness, good monochromaticity, suitable as a light source of photoelectric distance measurement The laser ranging is comprehensive application of various technologies, for example the optics, laser technology, precise machinery, electronics, calculate technology and photoelectron etc. Along with the development of laser technology, digital and electronic technology, and integrated circuit, the laser ranging is developing to digitalize, automation and small-sized portable direction.
This paper introduced a few methods of laser ranging. For example, phase laser range finding, the laser triangle measure pulse laser measures, etc. This design introduced the theory of phase laser range finding and expatiated the circuit forms of phase type laser range finding system. The system included the emitting circuit of the laser, receiving circuit, data acquisition circuit and shows electric circuit etc. This range finding system has adopted a method of the auto numeral phase-detection, and then improves the precision for measurement.
Finally, the system generated is theoretically analyzed, and specific solutions are introduced. The deficiencies of the system are analyzed and the work to be carried out after that is given.

[Keywords]laser range  phase measurement  the auto numeral phase-detection


目  录
引    言 1
第1章  绪  论 2
1.1  课题背景 2
1.2  激光在线测径技术的优点 2
1.3  激光在线测径技术的发展 2
1.4  本课题研究的主要内容 4
第2章 激光在线测径的原理 5
2.1  激光在线测径原理的介绍 5
2.2  激光在线测径方法综述 5
第3章 相位式激光在线测径系统的设计 8
3.1  设计方案的拟定 8
3.2  基本公式及频率选择 9
3.3  发射系统设计 10
3.4  接收系统设计 14
第4章 数据处理与误差分析 24
4.1  数据采集与显示电路设计 24
4.2  程序实现 29
4.3  误差分析 30
结    论 33
参考文献 34
致     谢 36
附录Ⅰ:英文原文 37
附录Ⅱ:译文 44

参 考 文 献
[6]A.R. Jim enez and R. Ceres,A vision system based on a laser range-finder applied to robotic fruit harvesting,Machine Vision and Applications,2000:321-329
[7]A.D. Nizhenskii and V. B. Volkonskii,Phase-type laser range finder,Measurement Techniques,1984:127-129
[18]谢自美.电子线路设计实验测试(第三版).武汉.华中科技大学出版社.2006: 145—155
[21]I. V. Lukin and G. P. Pushkarev, High—precision differential—laser range finder, Measurement Techniques,1988:421-424



  • 关键词 激光 在线 测径
  • 上一篇:流体计量控制仪的设计
  • 下一篇:基于聚氨酯结构的紫外光固化的海工防腐涂料的机理研究
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