


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥310
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-06)
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The design of automatic reaming device
Abstract:Automatic reaming is a special equipment for the very advanced reaming on machining characteristics, mainly used for pre drilled holes for precision reaming, efficient machining accuracy, the hole surface roughness has very high performance processing. The overall structure of the automatic expanding device is similar to the drilling machine, mobile work platform and has XY two direction, to fast clamping workpiece, the workpiece rapidly moving in the XY direction, high positioning accuracy, the XY workbench depending on the stepper motor drive spindle servo drive servo motor on, speed adjustment range, high rigidity, can automatically reaming small hole on the small diameter and large depth. Depending on the hydraulic reaming spindle chuck on the different specifications of the clamping pressure, depending on valve can control and adjust the chuck clamping force, reliable clamping, large diameter hole in the processing process, due to vibration is relatively large, the hydraulic chuck makes reamer installation more reliable, in addition, the automatic reaming device can also through the installation of reamer. Hole. Research on automatic cutting and expanding that first is based on the automatic cutting theory and the theory of development and process for the actual machining in the first by the Japanese researchers found that it had been gradually improved and used in the actual. Compared with the traditional reaming process, automatic reaming has the advantages of high stability, high machining precision, high machining efficiency and high precision machining of micro holes. With the development of automatic control, automatic reaming machine and CNC technology, it makes the process become intelligent, automation, and the workpiece processing tool in the process of real-time monitoring, the feed rate, cutting force and other parameters can realize intelligent optimization compensation, which makes the whole cutting process tends to be stable, reasonable.
Keywords:Vibration cutting; Machine tools; The machining accuracy; Vibration theory;
第一章 绪论 2
1.1自动扩孔装置的来源及研究意义 2
1.2 自动扩孔装置在国内外的应用概况 2
1.3 课题主要研究内容 3
第二章  自动扩孔装置硬件的设计 4
2.1 PLC简介 4
2.1.1 PLC的基本概述 4
2.2  自动扩孔装置概述与构造分析 5
2.2.1自动扩孔装置加工的主要特点 5
2.2.2 自动扩孔装置的设计概述 5
2.2.3自动扩孔装置结构设计 6
2.3自动扩孔控制系统硬件设计 7
2.3.1  PLC的选择 7
2.3.2  步进电机 8
2.3.3 异步电机 9
2.3.4气缸 10
2.3.5  传感器 11
2.4触摸屏 13
2.4.1 触摸屏的简介 13
2.4.2 触摸屏的发展状况 13
2.5 步进电机原理图 14
第三章 自动扩孔装置控制系统软件设计 14
3.1 PLC的软件设计 14
3.1.1 流程图的设计 14
3.1.2 I/O分配表 16
3.1.3外部接线图的设计 17
3.1.4 PLC程序设计 18
3.2 触摸屏的软件设计 21
第四章  设计总结 23
第五章  附录 25
附录一 PLC程序设计图 25
附录二PLC外部硬件接线图 29
附录三 触摸屏设计图 30
第六章 主要参考文献 30
第七章  致谢 31

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  • 关键词 自动 扩孔 装置 结构设计
  • 上一篇:自动化钢板定长裁切机设计
  • 下一篇:自动枪剪扎带刀片寿命的测试
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