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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥316
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Auto cooling system maintenance
Abstract: The so-called customer service refers to the dealers and manufacturers to sell their products to consumers, to provide consumers with a range of services, including product introduction, delivery, installation, repair and other aspects. In today's automotive consumption, for consumers, they buy cars, the value of car quality at the same time also attaches great importance to customer service car. The automobile after sale service industry is an important part of. As an important part of the automobile sales management after sale service is not only a business, it is the idea, is the enterprise to the customer care and reflect the enterprise must bear the social responsibility, is the producer and customer communication and contact with the car an important bridge. The increase in car ownership in China, leading to the decline in the purchase desire of consumers, must improve customer purchases and customer service to improve the service for the customer. Secondly the automobile product homogeneity led to a decrease in the car industry competition, to improve the competitive ability of increase production, must turn to after sale service. The standard automobile after sale service process and management system is necessary to improve the service quality of customer service. When consumers purchase products, not only pay attention to the product itself, the quality and performance of products in the peer similarity, consumers will pay more attention to the product after sale service. How well do the manufacturers will directly affect the degree of customer satisfaction. So only the after sale service good, qualified to meet the requirements of customers, customer satisfaction will improve.
Keywords: engine; engine-cooling-system; test; maintenance
 目     录                               
1 .毕业设计论文………………………………………………………………1
2 . 第一章 发动机冷却系统概述……………………………………………1
第一节  发动机冷却系统简介…………………………………………1
第二节 发动机冷却系统的作用  ……………………………………2
第三节  冷却系统的组成及其作用……………………………………2
第四节  冷却系统的工作原理及分类…………………………………4
第五节  发动机冷却系统的智能控制…………………………………7
第六节  冷却系统的研究现状发展……………………………………8
第二章  冷却系统的特点与工作原理………………………………………10
第一节 现代发动机冷却系统的特点…………………………………10
第二节 发动机冷却系统工作原理……………………………………11
第三章 发动机冷却系统的检修与维护……………………………………12
第一节 冷却系统的维护………………………………………………12
第二节  发动机冷却系统的故障与维修………………………………12
第三节  发动机冷却系统硬件检修与维护……………………………15
第四章  汽车冷却系统的发展现状与存在的问题…………………………17
    第一节  汽车发动机冷却系统发展现状………………………………17
第二节  影响发动机冷却系统的因素和存在的问题…………………17
4 .  总结与展望  ……………………………………………………………20
5 .  致谢  ……………………………………………………………………21
6 . 参考文献   ………………………………………………………………22
[1] 杨万福.发动机原理与汽车性能.北京:高等教育出版社,2004.
[2] 孔宪辉.张广坤。汽车故障诊断技术。北京:高等教育出版社,2002.
[3] 张子波.汽车发动机构造与维修。北京:高等教育出版社,2005 
[4] 陈家瑞等.汽车构造.北京:人民交通出版社,2003.
[5] 王新源,高平,郭新民等。《汽车发动机智能冷却系统的研究》。燃机工程,2003.
[6] 李玉柱。《汽车检测与故障诊断技术》。冶金工业出版社。2008.
[7] 李勇等。《汽车发动机冷却系统工作原理详解》。山东:机械工业出版社,2007.


  • 关键词 汽车 维护 写作 论文 冷却
  • 上一篇:(写作汽车维修与保养论文)汽车轮胎的正确使用和保养
  • 下一篇:路虎汽车后保险杠的安装工艺流程与安装缺陷分析
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