基于Aspen Plus二甲醚甲醇水 混合体系侧线精馏塔的设计与控制(化工毕业设计)

基于Aspen Plus二甲醚甲醇水 混合体系侧线精馏塔的设计与控制(化工毕业设计)

基于Aspen Plus二甲醚甲醇水 混合体系侧线精馏塔的设计与控制(化工毕业设计)

  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2025年
  • 原价: ¥592
  • 活动价: ¥400 (活动截止日期:2025-02-16)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)
基于Aspen Plus二甲醚甲醇水 混合体系侧线精馏塔的设计与控制(化工毕业设计)

 基于Aspen Plus二甲醚甲醇水 混合体系侧线精馏塔的设计与控制

摘  要
本设计采用甲醇法生产二甲醚,以侧线精馏代替传统的双塔精馏对甲醇、二甲醚和水进行分离。工艺系统确定进料流率为100kmol/h,待分离体系的组成为二甲醚0.05(摩尔分数,下同)、甲醇0.50、水0.45,采用Aspen Plus软件中RadFrac严格精馏模块,选用NRTL的物性方法对二甲醚/甲醇/水侧线精馏过程进行设计、模拟及优化。最终确定侧线精馏塔的设计方案为:理论板总数为52块,进料位置为第32块塔板,侧线出料位置为第12块塔板,回流比为41,操作压力为11atm。侧线精馏塔塔顶二甲醚产品的纯度为98%,侧线出口处甲醇的纯度为97.8%,塔底水的纯度为98%,设计完全满足工业分离要求。
在稳态模拟的基础上,采用Aspen Dynamics软件对精馏过程进行动态控制分析。结果表明:在进料流量扰动(±5%)和进料组成扰动(±5mol%)的工况下,再沸器热负荷、产品纯度、塔板温度和采出物流量等参量均可达到平衡,恢复至设定值,结果说明本设计建立的工艺系统在不同的扰动下均能稳定的运行。
关键字:侧线精馏;Aspen Plus;动态控制;Aspen Dynamics
Dimethyl ether and methanol as the basic organic chemical raw materials, in process industry is also an important organic solvent. Methanol can be widely used in pesticide, medicine, plastics and synthetic fiber industry, is also a synthesis of formaldehyde, and epoxy propane and propylene glycol methyl ether acetate monomer and other chemical products; Dimethyl ether have wide application in the pharmaceutical, pesticide, aerosol, refrigerant, etc. also can be used as alternative fuel because of its excellent properties, this design to separate them effectively.
This design adopts methanol method to produce dimethyl ether, which replaces the traditional twin column fractionation of methanol, dimethyl ether and water. Process system determine the feed flow rate of 100 kmol/h, for separation system for dimethyl ether of 0.05 (mole fraction, hereinafter the same), 0.5methanol, 0.45 water, with Aspen Plus software in RadFrac rectification module, strict selection of NRTL property method of dimethyl ether-methanol-water side distillation process design, simulation and optimization. Final line of the rectifying column design scheme is: the total number of theoretical plates for 52 blocks, feeding position for 32 pieces of plate, the side discharge location for 12 pieces of plate, reflux ratio for 41, operating pressure for 11 atm. Lateral lines distillation tower product was 98%, the purity of dimethyl ether side the exit of methanol was 97.8%, the purity of bottom water was 98%, the purity of design completely meet the requirements of industrial separation.
On the basis of steady state simulation using Aspen Dynamics software to analyze the distillation process dynamically. Results show that the feed flow disturbance (±5%) and feed composition disturbances (±5mol %), under the condition of reboiler heat load, the product purity and produced through put of plate temperature and parameters are in balance, restore to the set value, the result explains the design process system established under different disturbance can stable operation.
Key words: lateral line distillation; aspen plus; dynamic control; aspen dynamics
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
目  录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 二甲醚、甲醇的理化性质及用途 1
1.2 国内外二甲醚的发展状况 2
1.3 侧线精馏法 4
1.4 Aspen Plus流程模拟软件简介 5
1.5 选题的目的及意义 6
第2章 设计规定 9
第3章 稳态模拟与分析 11
3.1 稳态模拟过程 11
3.2 工艺参数优化与分析 12
3.2.1 添加设计规定 12
3.2.2 进料位置优化 14
3.2.3 回流比优化 14
3.2.4 侧线采出位置优化 15
3.2.5 优化结果分析 16
第4章 动态模拟与分析 21
4.1 塔的动态导入所需参数设置 21
4.1.1 塔径 21
4.1.2 回流罐尺寸 22
4.2 动态导入 23
4.3 安装各控制器 23
4.4 控制结果分析 25
4.4.1 继电-反馈测试 25
4.4.2 进料流量扰动 27
4.4.3 进料组成扰动 29
第5章 总结与展望 33
致谢 35
参考文献 37
附  录 39
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  • 关键词 侧线 化工 控制 精馏塔 体系 Aspen 混合 甲醇 甲醚 Plus
  • 上一篇:年产7千吨对甲苯胺车间精制工段模拟优化
  • 下一篇:年产10万吨丙烯酸工艺设计
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