


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥291
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丙烯酸(英文名:Acrylic acid),分子式为C3H4O2,相对分子量为72.06,结构式为CH2=CHCOOH。比重(20℃)为1.051,沸点141.3℃,熔点13.2℃(近似),闪点54.5℃,其为无色透明、味苦辣、带有刺激性气味的腐蚀性液体。溶于水、乙醇、乙醚等溶剂中。其危险性类别排第8.1类,为高闪点可燃液体及酸性腐蚀品,属于丙烯酰基化合物[1]。丙烯酸是一种重要的不饱和有机酸,其化学结构中含有不饱和碳碳双键和羧基,能与多种化合物通过均聚或缩聚反应,合成一系列丙烯酸共聚物,如丙烯酸酯及聚丙烯酸。
工艺流程图用下面的图其次,运用Aspen Plus对工艺流程及各个设备进行模拟计算与优化,得到了各工段的工艺参数和设备参数,同时进行了物料衡算和热量衡算,在此基础上进行了反应器、精馏塔、吸收塔和换热器的设计及泵的选型,并设计了各个设备的自动控制方案,并绘制了反应器、塔的设备装配图、工艺流程图及带控制点的工艺流程图等。最后对丙烯工厂车间进行布置设计。


Acrylic acid (English Name: Acrylic acid), the molecular formula is C3H4O2, the relative molecular weight is 72.06, the structural formula is CH2=CHCOOH. The proportion (20 C) is 1.051, the boiling point is 141.3 C, the melting point is 13.2 (approximately) and the flash point is 54.5 C, which is a colorless transparent, bitter spicy, irritating and corrosive liquid. Dissolved in water, ethanol, ether and other solvents. The risk category is the 8.1 category, which is high flash point flammable liquid and acid corrosive products. It belongs to [1]. Acrylic acid is an important unsaturated organic acid. Its chemical structure contains unsaturated carbon carbon double bonds and carboxyl groups. A series of acrylic copolymers, such as acrylate and polyacrylic acid, can be synthesized by homopolymerization or polycondensation with a variety of compounds.In this paper, the process of acrylic acid production of acrylic acid by two step oxidation process is designed. It is divided into three sections, which are reaction section, absorption section and refined section. In the first stage, the oxygen / propylene ratio (mole ratio) is 1.80, and the vapor / propylene ratio is 0.76. In the second reactor, it was found that the molar ratio of oxygen to acrolein was 1.05, and the molar ratio of water vapor to acrolein was 2.11[18].
The process flow chart is followed by the following diagram. Aspen Plus is used to simulate and optimize the process flow and various equipment. The process parameters and equipment parameters of each section are obtained. At the same time, the material balance calculation and heat balance are carried out. On this basis, the design and pump of the reactor, the distillation tower, the absorption tower and the heat exchanger are carried out. The automatic control scheme of each equipment is designed, and the assembly drawing of the reactor, the tower, the process flow chart and the process flow chart with the control point are drawn. Finally, the design of the workshop of propylene plant is designed.
Key words: annual output of 100 thousand tons; acrylic acid; reaction; refining; process design.

第一章  绪论 2
1.1概述 2
1.2 国内外丙烯酸产能及市场分析 3
第二章  丙烯酸生产的工艺流程设计 4
2.1 工艺方案的选择 4
2.2 工艺流程的模拟与优化 10
第三章  物料衡算与能量衡算 20
3.1 物料衡算 20
3.2 能量衡算 27
第四章   丙烯酸生产的设备设计与选型 36
4.1 反应器设计 36
4.2  塔设备的设计 43
4.3 换热器的设计和选型 52
4.4泵的选型 56
第五章  电气仪表及自动控制 61
5.1概述 61
5.2常用控制系统 61
5.3 自动控制系统的选择 62
5.4 单元设备自动控制 63
第六章 车间布置 69
6.1.1 整体布置 69
6.1.2 吸收车间布置图 70
6.2 反应车间 73
参考文献 83

第一章  绪论
丙烯酸(英文名:Acrylic acid),分子式为C3H4O2,相对分子量为72.06,结构式为CH2=CHCOOH。比重(20℃)为1.051,沸点141.3℃,熔点13.2℃(近似),闪点54.5℃,其为无色透明、味苦辣、带有刺激性气味的腐蚀性液体。溶于水、乙醇、乙醚等溶剂中。其危险性类别排第8.1类,为高闪点可燃液体及酸性腐蚀品,属于丙烯酰基化合物[1]。丙烯酸是一种重要的不饱和有机酸,其化学结构中含有不饱和碳碳双键和羧基,能与多种化合物通过均聚或缩聚反应,合成一系列丙烯酸共聚物,如丙烯酸酯及聚丙烯酸。丙烯酸是重要的有机合成原料及合成树脂单体,是聚合速度非常快的乙烯类单体。是最简单的不饱和羧酸,由一个乙烯基和一个羧基组成。纯的丙烯酸是无色澄清液体,带有特征的刺激性气味。它可与水、醇、醚和氯仿互溶,是由从炼油厂得到的丙烯制备的。大多数用以制造丙烯酸甲酯、乙酯、丁酯、羟乙酯等丙烯酸酯类。丙烯酸及丙烯酸酯可以均聚及共聚,其聚合物用于合成树脂、合成纤维、高吸水性树脂、建材、涂料等工业部门。
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  • 关键词 年产 10 万吨 丙烯酸 工艺
  • 上一篇:基于Aspen Plus二甲醚甲醇水 混合体系侧线精馏塔的设计与控制(化工毕业设计)
  • 下一篇:年产500万吨铸坯转炉炼钢厂连铸工艺设计
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