Construction documents design of changsha
There are many mountains in our country. About two-thirds homeland is mountain,oothills ,plateau.Railway always comes across mountains obstacles when passing through these areas.Becase of limiting gradient, railroad it is difficult to ascend the height that the servants need.Meanwhile,with minimum curve radius restrictions, railway is unable to pass the mountain terrain,it is need to build a tunnel to overcome elevation and plane obstacles .Building railway tracks along the river valley,it is ofen to come up with tortuous channel ,steepness cross slope,the poor geology condition, so building a tunnel let the lines passing through the mountains.A tunnel can not only make lines suitable straight and shorten,but also can reduce slope , escape various bad geological conditions,thus to improve traction destiny and operation conditions.And high-speed railway is an important symbol of railway modernization.With high running speed,high requirements of the infrasturcture, big minimum radius of curve, high-speed railway must arise a lot of tunnel project.
This design is mainly aimed at the tunnel construction design which pass through a mountain of hanjiang river.The tunnel is called Xinshagou tunnel, 200km per hour, 2568m stretches,3‰down-slope.
The content of the main design: construction clearance, the tunnel portal,lining designing,waterproofing and drainage system, arrangement of reinforcement, monitoring and measuring , work quantities , the construction and organization scheme.
The content of lining design :size of the primary support and the second lining, calculating bending strength.
The content of reinforcement monitoring: tunnel portal and trunk;
The content of the construction and organization scheme: the monitor project and sensor arrangement.
Key words :
construction clearance;portal designing;lining designing;waterproofing and drainage system;arrangement of reinforcement;work quantities.
1绪论 3
1.1引言 3
2隧道设计概况 3
2.1工程概况 3
2.2工程环境条件 3
2.3隧道围岩稳定性评价 3
2.4隧道主体工程设计 3
2.4.1隧道平面线形设计 3
2.4.2隧道纵断面设计 3
2.4.3隧道横断面设计 3
2.4.4衬砌内轮廓 3
2.4.5隧道长度 3
2.4.6各类围岩所占隧道的比例 3
3 隧道支护设计计算 3
3.1隧道支护参数设计 3
3.1.2锚杆长度: 3
3.1.3锚杆布置: 3
3.1.4支护参数确定 3
3.2 隧道衬砌结构力学计算 3
3.2.1 载荷确定 3
3.2.2 衬砌几何要素 3
3.2.3位移计算 3
3.2.4解力法方程 3
3.2.5计算主动荷载和被动荷载分别产生的衬砌内力, 3
3.2.6 最大抗力值求解 3
3.2.7 计算衬砌总内力 3
3.2.8 衬砌截面强度验算 3
3.2.9 将内力计算结果按比例绘制成弯矩图M及轴力图N 3
4 施工总体安排 3
4.1 总体施工安排 3
4.2 施工目标 3
4.3 施工工期 3
4.4 现场施工组织机构 3
图4-1 现场施工组织机构图 3
4.4.1 施工队任务划分及劳力配置 3
4.4.2 劳动力安排 3
4.5 机诫设备配备 3
4.6 风水电供应方案: 3
4.7 施工场地布置: 3
4.7.1 弃渣场地及卸渣道路的布设: 3
4.7.2 材料库的布置 3
4.7.3 生产房屋和生产设施的布置: 3
4.7.4 生活房屋的布置: 3
5 隧道洞身施工 3
5.1 开挖方法 3
5.2 洞口开挖 3
5.3 明洞开挖 3
5.4 管棚施工 3
5.4.1管棚施工工艺说明: 3
5.4.2 管棚加工 3
5.4.3 管棚钻机施作大管棚 3
5.4.4 技术质量要求 3
5..5 管棚预注浆作业 3
5.5.1 注浆配合比 3
5.5.2 控制注浆压力 3
5.5.3 注浆程序 3
5.5.4注浆注意事项: 3
6 隧道洞身施工 3
6.1洞身开挖 3
6.2 钻爆设计 3
6.2.1 光面爆破 3
6.2.2 Ⅲ级围岩 3
6.2.3 出碴 3
6.2.4 机具配备 3
6.2.5 注意事项 3
6.3 支护 3
6.3.1 喷射混凝土 3
6.3.2 施工注意事项: 3
6.3.3 锚杆施工 3
6.3.4 钢筋网 3
6.3.5 超前小导管 3
6.3.6 超前小导管注浆作业 3
6.4 超前锚杆 3
6.5 二次衬砌 3
6.6 防水层 3
6.7 测量与监控 3
6.7.1 监控的原理与阶段 3
6.7.2 量测目的、仪器和内容 3
6.7.3 隧道施工技术的项目、方法及频率 3
6.7.4 量测的作用及注意事项 3
6.7.5 量测项目 3
7 辅助作业设计 3
7.1 空压机站的设计要求 3
7.1.1 管道安装注意事项: 3
7.1.2 供风量计算 3
7.2 施工供水、排水 3
7.2.1 供水 3
7.2.2 贮水池要求: 3
7.2.3 供水管道要求 3
7.2.4 排水 3
7.3 供电,照明及计算 3
7.4 通风 3
7.4.1 通风目的 3
7.4.2 通风的方式 3
7.4.3 防尘措施: 3
8 质量及安全保证体系 3
8.1 开挖质量控制 3
8.1.1 石方洞身开挖施工 3
8.1.2 锚杆质量控制 3
8.2 砼施工质量控制 3
8.2.1 钢筋绑扎 3
8.2.2 砼浇筑施工 3
8.2.3 喷砼施工 3
8.3 工期保证措施 3
8.4 施工安全保证措施 3
8.5 安全目标 3
8.6 安全保证体系 3
8.7 确保安全施工的技术组织措施 3
8.8 技术安全保证措施 3
8.9 施工用电、机械设备及车辆使用安全保证措施 3
8.10 文明施工保证措施 3
8.11 环境保护及工程维护措施 3
8.11.1 施工环境保护措施 3
8.11.2 缺陷责任期内对工程的维护 3
结论 3
参考文献 3
致谢 3
(2)隧道工程, 人民交通出版社
(3)爆破工程, 中国矿业大学出版社