


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥292
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-29)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

关键词:郭家港 液压坝 枢纽布置 渗流稳定 消能防冲  闸室稳定及结构计算













The hydraulic dam of the Guo Lou port is located at 2+600 of the Guo Lou port pile number. It is an important part of the "Pingyu County water environment treatment and ecological restoration" project. The current width of the Kuo Lou port is 7m~15m, the slope is 1:0.5 to 1:2.5, and the riverbed gradient is 1/1000 to 1/5000. The water quality is poor, the water is cloudy and lack of fluidity. The phenomenon of mixed rain and pollution in urban areas causes the initial rainwater containing large quantities of pollutants to flow into the river nearby, which brings great pollution load to the water body. The current waterfront of the river is single, the species along the river is single, and the ecological restoration and greening are lack, and it is not integrated with urban municipal facilities, urban land use and urban space environment. According to the requirements of water system connectivity and water ecological restoration, the existing river course should be redesigned and designed. A hydraulic dam is built at the 2+600 pile number to meet the needs of water environment control and ecological restoration project in Pingyu county.
The water system of this project includes the Xiaoqing River and its left bank tributary north ring canal, port bay port, two dry retreating canal, and the right bank tributary Guo Gang, Zhang Lu Zhuang harbor, Cao River, Qilihe and so on. The Xiaoqing River is the main flood control and waterlogging channel in Pingyu county. The current standard of flood control is 20 years. All the tributary channels have not been treated. The current situation is slower, the flow velocity is slow, the discharge capacity is limited, and the long sediment deposition and the river bed section reduce, thus reducing the original flood control and drainage capacity of the river, and the flood disaster is serious. In this paper, the dam site is selected and the layout of the project is carried out, and the seepage stability, energy dissipation and erosion control, the stability of the gate chamber and the structure calculation are carried out on the hydraulic dam, and the detailed structure of the hydraulic dam is designed.
Key words: Guo Jia Gang hydraulic dam pivot layout, seepage stability, energy dissipation and scour chamber stability and structure calculation








第一章 郭楼港液压坝设计原始资料 4
1.1、气象 4
1.2、水文 5
2、工程地质结论 7
2.1 地形地貌 7
2.2地层岩性 7
2.3 地震及地震动参数 7
2.4 地质结构 8
2.5 各岩土层物理力学性质 8
2.6 水文地质条件 8
2.7 工程地质评价 9
第二章 郭楼港液压坝坝址处进行方案比选及枢纽布置 9
2.1坝址比选方案对比 9
2.2枢纽布置 10
第三章 郭家港液压坝消能防冲计算 11
3.1 消能防冲水位组合 11
3.2 闸门初始开度及开启制度的确定 11
3.2.1 计算闸门初始开度e 11
3.2.2 闸门开启制度与初始开度 13
3.3 消力池设计 13
3.3.1 消力池形式的选定 13
3.3.2 消力池池深的计算 14
3.3.3 消力池长度的计算 16
3.3.4 消力池底板厚度的计算 17
3.3.5 消力池构造 17
3.4 海漫长度的计算 18
3.5 海漫构造的确定 20
3.6 冲刷坑深度的计算,防冲槽尺寸的确定 20
3.6.1 冲刷坑深度的计算 20
第四章 液压坝渗流稳定计算 21
4.1 渗流计算水位组合 21
4.2 地下轮廓线布置 21
4.2.1 地下轮廓线布置 21
4.2.2 验算防渗长度 23
4.3 闸基渗流计算 23
4.3.1 计算地基有效深度 23
4.3.2 计算各典型段的阻尼系数 23
4.3.3 各典型段渗压水头损失计算 24
4.3.4 进、出口段修正及各区段渗压水头损失调整 24
第五章 闸室稳定及结构计算 28
5.1 闸室底板 28
5.2 闸墩 28
5.2.1 闸墩顺水流方向长度、闸墩高度 28
5.2.2 闸墩厚度、门槽位置和尺寸的拟定 30
5.3 闸门与胸墙 31
5.3.1胸墙 31
5.3.2闸门的选型与门重 32
5.3.3计算启闭力 32
5.3.4启闭机的选型 33
5.4 工作桥与启闭机房 33
5.5 工作桥设置高程,工作桥支墩的高度、尺寸的拟定 35
5.6 交通桥形式尺寸 36
5.7 闸室分缝布置与止水设置 36
5.8 闸室布置图 37
5.9闸室稳定计算 38
5.9.1 自重 38
5.9..2 水重 39
5.9.3 浮托力计算 39
5.9.4 水平水压力 40
5.9.5 浪压力 41
5.9.6 渗透压力计算 42
5.9.7 闸室荷载汇总 42
5.9.10基底压力不均匀系数计算 43
5.9.11 闸室抗滑稳定计算 44
5.9.12地基承载力验算 44
第六章. 液压坝细部结构设计 45
6.1闸室底板内力计算 45
6.1.1 计算方法的选择 45
6.1.2 计算情况选择 45
6.1.3 弹性地基梁法计算地板内力(边孔一联) 45
6.1.4 弹性地基梁法计算地板内力(三孔一联) 109
6.2 闸底板配筋计算 120
6.3 闸底板的裂缝开展宽度验算 122
6.3.1计算方法 122
6.3.2 裂缝计算 122
参考文献 123

第一章 郭楼港液压坝设计原始资料
1.2..1 暴雨洪水特征
1.2.2 径流

表1  径流成果表
河道 流域面积(km2) 均值 Cv Cs/Cv 频率P(%)
     50 75 90
郭楼港 14.1 268 0.71 2 225 129 70
1.2.3 设计洪水成果
表2  设计暴雨、洪峰流量等计算参数成果表
项目 设计频率
 P=20% 10% 5% 2%
流域面积(km2) 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1
点雨量均值(mm) 120 120 120 120
Cv 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Cs/Cv 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Kp值 1.37 1.93 2.51 3.31
设计面雨量P(mm) 164.4 231.6 301.2 397.2
前期影响雨量Pa(mm) 45 55 55 80
P+Pa(mm) 209.4 286.6 356.2 477.2
设计净雨R(mm) 101.0 172.5 239.3 356.3
峰量关系系数K 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
面积指数 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
洪峰折减系数α 1 0.9 0.8 0.7
洪峰流量(m3/s) 22.0 33.9 41.8 54.4
W24(万m3) 142.4 243.2 337.5 502.4
表3  郭楼港扩挖主槽后河道设计断面成果表
桩号 位置 设计断面 设计水位(m)
  设计河底高程(m) 河道
比降 设计底宽(m) 设计边坡比 10年一遇水位 20年一遇水位
0+000 西环路交汇处 39.54 1/2500 15 1:2.5 42.01  42.46
0+200  39.46 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.97  42.43
0+400  39.38 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.93  42.40
0+600  39.30 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.89  42.37
0+800  39.22 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.85  42.35
1+000  39.14 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.82  42.32
1+200  39.06 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.79  42.30
1+400  38.98 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.76  42.28
1+600  38.90 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.73  42.26
1+800  38.82 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.70  42.24
2+000  38.74 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.68  42.23
2+200  38.66 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.66  42.21
2+400  38.58 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.64  42.20
2+600 液压坝 38.50 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.62  42.18
2+800 入小清河处 38.42 1/2500 15 1:2.5 41.60  42.17
2.4 施工期洪水
根据《水利水电工程等级划分及洪水标准》(SL252-2000)及《水利水电工程施工组织设计规范》(SL303-2004),确定郭楼港施工期设计洪水标准为非汛期5年一遇。本流域无实测流量资料,施工期洪水采用相邻的许昌地区的综合流量模数成果计算。郭楼港5年一遇非汛期洪峰流量为0.63 m3/s。

  • 关键词 郭家港 液压
  • 上一篇:岩体裂隙发育区域地下排水设计施工措施探讨
  • 下一篇:白依坝输水隧洞设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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