


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥308
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-28)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

摘    要



     There are two kinds of control methods of hydraulic servo control system: pump control and valve control. Pump control, also known as volume control, servo variable pump to the actuator oil supply, by changing the displacement of the pump to change the flow into the actuator, regulating the output speed. This method is efficient, but the dynamic response is poor. Valve control, also known as throttle control, through the servo valve to control the flow into the actuator, changing the speed of the actuator. This method is low efficiency, but good dynamic performance. In order to realize the dynamic performance of the system, it can meet the requirement of high efficiency. It is an important research direction to meet the requirements by combining the two kinds of speed regulation. According to the combination of valve control and pump control, the valve pump control system can be divided into series and parallel type.
This design for several typical hydraulic basic circuit experiment, the various hydraulic components of a three-dimensional modeling design using SolidWorks software, and through the assembly function of SolidWorks in the powerful assembly can simulate experiment platform motion simulation. The hydraulic experiment by changing the hydraulic components to achieve a variety of different simulation basic hydraulic circuit simulation exercise, so as to achieve the purpose of the experiment is different, the basic working principle which can make students have a more profound understanding to the hydraulic transmission. 
Key words: vane pump, hydraulic cylinder, relief valve, manual valve, simulation movement




摘    要 I
1 简   介 4
1.1液压传动 4
1.2液压实验台 4
2 总方案设计 6
2. 1液压基本回路的拟定 6

2. 2液压实验台的三维效果图 7
3 液压元件的建模 8
3.1叶片泵 8
3.2液压缸的建模 11
3.3溢流阀的建模 12
3.5液压辅助元件的建模 16
3.5.1压力表的三维建模 17
4液压缸阀泵协同控制方法试验研究 20
4.1缸-阀-泵协同串联控制系统: 20
4.2缸-阀-泵协同并联控制系统: 20
5 结  论 23
致  谢 24
参考文献 25

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  • 关键词 液压 缸阀 协同 控制 方法 试验 研究
  • 上一篇:液压式电缆放线机的设计
  • 下一篇:半自动专用铣床液压系统设计
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