


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥310
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
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关键词:橡胶生产;PLC;组态软件;原料点; 电磁阀
The design of the rubber powder automatic
transport device
Abstract: Throughout the current international competition increasingly fierce, more and more short production cycle, production quality requirements more and more high, the direct cause of the current to improve the production efficiency, labor costs increased accordingly. The production of rubber process as a complex production process, the current manual operation has been unable to keep up with the current development trend, the corresponding quality requirements of efficiency can not meet the relevant requirements. The automatic realization of the powder conveying device in rubber plant can optimize the product manufacturing system, improve the production efficiency and improve the production level to a certain extent.
In this paper, in order to understand the production process of rubber and the current shortage of production, the rubber powder factory transfer device is studied. With PLC as the main controller, with MCGS configuration software so that the car can be set according to the operator in 5 raw point movement, reversing solenoid valve and motor so PLC program to control the material drive car and stop, and the weight of material from time to control, based on PLC program on each material and time can be set on the touch screen, and the actual operation of vehicle transport is another window configuration software to monitor. Finally, the MCGS configuration software is used to verify the simulation.
Keywords: Rubber production, PLC, configuration software, raw materials, electromagnetic valve。

 目 录
一、引言 1
1.1课题来源及研究意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2.研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本文的主要研究内容 2
二、系统参数介绍 1
2.1控制的总体目标 1
2.1.1控制要求 1
2.1.2.运动过程简介 1
2.2本章小结 2
三、硬件选择 1
3.1.硬件的选用与简介 1
3.2.PLC基本原理 2
3.3.三相异步电动机 3
3.4.电磁阀的分类与选用 4
3.5系统总回路 5
3.6本章小结 5
四、软件设计 6
4.1程序流程图 6
4.2FX2N系列PLC的硬件与性能指标 6
4.2.1FX2N系列PLC的硬件结构 6
4.2.2. FX2N系列PLC的性能指标 8
4.3PLC控制程序设计 9
4.3.1指令简介 9
4.3.2输入/输出分配表 10
4.3.3PLC I/O外部接线图 10
4.3.4PLC控制梯形图 10
4.4. MCGS组态软件的结构 11
4.5组态监控系统的仿真设计 15
4.5.1界面1:原料设置窗口 15
4.5.2界面2:小车运行监控系统 17
4.5.3仿真结果 17
4.6本章小结 21
五、结论 22
六、致谢 23
参考文献 24
附件1 脚本循环程序: 25
附件2 PLC梯形图程序: 32

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  • 关键词 橡胶 工厂 粉料 自动 输送 装置
  • 上一篇:《MQZ2直流牵引电磁铁底座》 冷冲模设计
  • 下一篇:亚龙YL-335B型自动生产线的改造设计
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