


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥316
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-22)
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The adiabatic shear simulation of AZ31 magnesium alloy
Abstract:Magnesium alloy is a typical low intensity, high thermal conductivity material. According to the usual rules, Magnesium alloy under external load should be difficult to place the process of adiabatic shear localization and adiabatic shear band. However, results show that the role of magnesium alloys in impact loading may be localized deformation, including changes in twins and slip with the changes and the conditions of its formation is closely related to the high-speed impact.The 3D numerical simulations of magnesium alloy under SHPB loading conditions are obtained by ANSYS. The constitutive equation of AZ31 was Johnson-Cook constitutive relation, based on the formation of adiabatic shear collapse stress criterion and the equivalent stress - time curve analysis of adiabatic shear deformation.The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental ones. It is found that a large part of plastic strain is concentrated in each corner of the hat-shaped specimen.
Keywords: adiabatic shear band; numerical simulation; SHPB; hat-shaped specimen; AZ31

第1章  前言 2
1.1 镁合金的特点及分类 2
1.2 镁合金国内外的发展及应用 3
1.3 利用LS-DYNA镁合金的模拟时的分析流程 4
1.4 数值模拟在金属研究中的作用  5
1.5 本课题的研究意义 6
第2章 模拟准备及方法 7
2.1 模拟试件材料 7
2.1.1 材料成分 7
2.1.2 AZ31镁合金中合金元素对合金性能的作用 7
2.1.3 材料力学性能 8
2.1.4 帽型试件尺寸 9
2.2 模拟方法及原理 9
2.2.1 模拟软件 9
2.2.2 前处理过程(Preprocessing) 10
2.2.3 解算器(solution)求解 11
2.2.4 后处理(Post-processing) 12
第3章  模拟结果 13
3.1 本构方程的建立 13
3.2 前处理阶段 15
3.2.1 在418N的冲击力下应力变化 17
3.2.2 在818N的冲击力下应力变化 21
第4章 结论 27

参考文献 28

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  • 关键词 写作 材料 工程 AZ31 镁合金 绝热 剪切 数值
  • 上一篇:(写作材料工程淬火类毕业论文)齿轮渗碳淬火变形原因及控制措施
  • 下一篇:石墨烯纳米带结构和特性的第一性原理研究
  • 暂无购买记录



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