


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥291
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


关键词  减速器;改向滚筒;压轮;托辊






AbstractThe belt conveyor is developed on the basis of belt conveyor. With the aid of the conveyor belt, the checked baggage will be sent to the X ray inspection channel to complete the inspection of the electronic equipment. When the luggage enters the X - ray inspection channel, the package detection sensor will be blocked, the detection signal is sent to the system control part, the X ray trigger signal is generated, and the X ray ray source is triggered to launch the X ray beam. A beam of X ray beams passing through a collimator passes through the checked items on the conveyor belt, and the X rays are absorbed by the inspected items, and then the double energy semiconductor detectors installed in the channel are bombarded. The detector turns the X ray into signal. These very weak signals are amplified and sent to the signal processing box for further processing. The design of the conveyor belt conveyor is a small transport machinery, its bearing capacity requirements are small, relative to the other belt conveyor cost requirements low, the design structure is compact. Starting from the overall structure, the drive part and transmission part of the whole device are designed and calculated. In the design and calculation of the driving device, the design of the motor reducer is chosen as the driving device in this design. In the design of the transmission part, the design chooses the synchronous pulley to connect with the driving device to transfer the power. In addition, the design of the modified roller, roller and the frame part of the device is also selected, and the necessary calculation and selection are also made for other auxiliary equipment. This design mainly designs the structure of the reducer, determines the main parameters of the internal gear and shaft, as well as the design of the modified roller, and makes a detailed analysis of its working principle.

Key words reducer, changing drum, pressing wheel, supporting roller.





目       录

1绪论 1
1.1前言 1
1.1.1背景介绍 1
1.1.2运输机简介 1
1.1.3安检输送皮带机简介 5
1.2方案确定 6
1.3设计方案综述 7
2减速器结构的设计 8
2.1电动机的选择 8
2.1.1选择电动机类型和机构形式 8
2.1.2功率的计算 8
2.1.3电动机功率的选择 8
2.2确定传动装置的总传动比和分配传动比 10
2.2.1总传动比 10
2.2.2分配减速器的各级传动比 10
2.3计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 11
2.3.1各轴转速 11
2.3.2各轴的输入功率 11
2.3.3各轴的输入转矩 12
2.4减速器的结构设计 13
2.5传动零件的设计计算 13
2.5.1第一级齿轮传动的设计 13
2.5.2第二级齿轮传动的设计 19
2.5.3齿轮轴的校核 24
2.5.4中轴键的选择 27
2.6轴承的选择 28
2.6.1轴承的选择因素 28
2.6.2轴承的型号确定 29
2.6.3轴承校验 29
3间歇机构 32
3.1槽轮机构 32
3.1.1槽轮机构的组成及工作特点 32
3.1.2槽轮机构的类型及应用 32
3.1.3槽轮机构的运动系数及运动特性 33
3.2棘轮机构 33
4改向滚筒的设计 35
4.1改向滚筒的结构设计 35
4.2改向滚筒轴的强度校核 35
5改向压轮的设计 39
5.1改向压轮的结构设计 39
5.2设计方案的比较与选择 40
5.3输送带的跑偏处理 41
5.4拉紧装置 42
6托辊的设计 44
6.1托辊的类型 44
6.2托辊的设计计算 45
7安检输送皮带机的安装和操作维护 48
7.1启动和停机 48
7.2安检输送皮带机的维护 48
7.3安检输送皮带机的安装 48
结论 50
致谢 51
参考文献 52
附录 53

[4]Harrison A.Belt Conveyor Research 1980-2000.Bulk solids handing,vol.21(2001) No.2









  • 关键词 安检 输送机 机械传动 装置
  • 上一篇:二甲苯加热器设计
  • 下一篇:螺纹轴套配合件加工工艺设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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