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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥292
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摘    要
随着移动通信技术的迅猛发展,移动通信宽带化已经成为未来移动通信系统的PTN(分组传送网,Packet Transport Network)是指这样一种光传送网络架构和具体技术:在IP业务和底层光传输媒质之间设置了一个层面,它针对分组业务流量的突发性和统计复用传送的要求而设计,以分组业务为核心并支持多业务提供,具有更低的总体使用成本(TCO),同时秉承光传输的传统优势,包括高可用性和可靠性、高效的带宽管理机制和流量工程、便捷的OAM和网管、可扩展、较高的安全性等。PTN支持多种基于分组交换业务的双向点对点连接通道,具有适合各种粗细颗粒业务、端到端的组网能力,提供了更加适合于IP业务特性的“柔性”传输管道;具备丰富的保护方式,遇到网络故障时能够实现基于50ms的电信级业务保护倒换,实现传输级别的业务保护和恢复;继承了SDH技术的操作、 管理和维护机制(OAM),具有点对点连接的完美OAM体系,保证网络具备保护切换、错误检测和通道监控能力;完成了与IP/MPLS多种方式的互连互通,无缝承载核心IP业务;网管系统可以控制连接信道的建立和设置,实现了业务QoS的区分和保证,灵活提供SLA等优点。本论文在讨论融合业务的ptn语音业务的必要性以及融合业务的ptn架构的基础上,探讨了融合业务的ptn的关键技术,包括OFDM、MIMO技术;随后通过融合业务的ptn语音业务连续性问题,分析了双待机终端方案、CSFB和Vo融合业务的ptn的内容、网络构架和关键技术以及三种方案的对比分析。最后,通过某地CSFB测试并对测试未接通案例进行分析,得出CSFB只能作为融合业务的ptn部署初期的过渡方案,Vo融合业务的ptn是终极语音方案。
With the rapid development of mobile communication technology, mobile communication broadband has become the PTN (packet transmission network, Packet Transport Network) of the future mobile communication system. It refers to such a optical transmission network architecture and specific technology: set a layer between the IP service and the underlying optical transmission medium, it is aimed at the packet traffic flow. It is designed to meet the requirements of mass traffic and statistical multiplexing, with packet services as the core and support for multi service delivery, with lower overall use cost (TCO), and the traditional advantages of optical transmission, including high availability and reliability, efficient bandwidth management mechanism and traffic engineering, convenient OAM and network management. Expansion, high security, and so on. PTN supports a variety of bidirectional point to point connection channels based on packet switching services. It has the ability to organize networks for various coarse and fine particle services and end to end. It provides a "flexible" transmission pipeline that is more suitable for the IP business characteristics. It has a rich protection mode and can realize 50ms based telecom level services when network failures are encountered. To protect and replace the service protection and recovery of the transmission level; inherit the operation, management and maintenance mechanism (OAM) of SDH technology, have the perfect OAM system of point to point connection, guarantee the ability of the network to protect switching, error detection and channel monitoring, complete interconnect with IP/MPLS and seamless bearing core The network management system can control the establishment and setup of the connection channel, realize the distinction and guarantee of business QoS, and flexibly provide SLA and other advantages. IP On the basis of discussing the necessity of PTN voice service in the fusion service and the PTN architecture of fusion service, this paper discusses the key technologies of PTN, including OFDM and MIMO technology, and then analyzes the dual standby terminal scheme, CSFB and PTN of Vo fusion service through the problem of PTN voice service continuity in the fusion service. Content, network architecture and key technologies, as well as the comparative analysis of the three schemes. Finally, through the CSFB test in a certain area and analysis of the unconnected cases, it is concluded that CSFB can only be used as the initial transition scheme of the PTN deployment of the fusion service, and the PTN of the Vo fusion service is the ultimate voice scheme.
Keywords: PTN; dual standby terminal; CSFB; Vo converged business PTN.
目    录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 融合业务的ptn语音业务研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本论文研究内容 2
第2章 融合业务的ptn系统的原理 3
2.1 融合业务的ptn系统的网络架构 3
2.2 融合业务的ptn系统的协议栈构架 5
2.3 融合业务的ptn系统的关键技术 6
第3章 融合业务的ptn语音业务解决方案研究 10
3.1 基于双待机终端方案 10
3.1.1 单卡多模双待方案技术架构 10
3.1.2 多模双待终端模式选择过程 11
3.1.3 多模双待终端业务过程 12
3.2 基于CSFB的方案 13
3.2.1 CSFB语音呼叫流程 13
3.2.2 CSFB回落方式分析 15
3.3 基于Vo融合业务的ptn的方案 17
3.4 融合业务的ptn三大话音方案比较 21
第4章 CSFB测试未接通案例分析 24
4.1 CSFB典型事件 24
4.2 CSFB呼叫流程及关键信令 25
4.3 CSFB外场测试规范方法 26
4.4 CSFB典型案例分析 27
第5章 总结与展望 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32
附录  主要英文缩写语对照表 33
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  • 关键词 融合 业务 ptn 语音 承载 问题 分析 实现
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