摘 要
Peanuts are one of the main grain crops in China, and they are widely planted in China. In 2007, China's peanut planting area and output ranked first in the world. However, although the total output was large, the yield per unit area was very low. The main reason for this reason is the backwardness of planting mode and mechanization level. Therefore, the current main task is to increase the single output of peanut cultivation. There are two ways to improve the yield of peanut: the first is to improve the planting mode; the two is to raise the level of mechanized planting. It is the most effective way to improve the mechanized production level, which requires a variety of advanced performance, high efficiency, versatility and adaptability. The peanut planting machine with simple structure and easy to manufacture and maintenance is constantly designed and widely popularized and applied. This paper introduces the importance of the advanced sowing test bench to understand and master the technical performance of the existing sowing and sowing, to study and develop a new generation of high performance seeder. This design introduces the design and calculation method of the mechanical structure and electrical part of a new seeding test rig, as well as the selection basis of the electrical equipment, and gives the basis for the selection of the electrical equipment. The overall structure configuration diagram. The structure of the seeding test stand can simulate the high speed operation of various precision sowing in the experiment, and achieve the purpose of accurately measuring the seed spacing. This design systematically introduces the design process and method of the seeding test rig, and inserts some sketches in the calculation process, which is more conducive to understanding. Adopt rigorous attitude in every process of design to ensure the accuracy of data.
Key words: Agricultural Engineering; seeding test stand; design
1 前言 3
1.1 课题背景和科学意义 3
1.2 国内外花生播种机的发展现状 4
1.2.1国外花生播种机的发展现状 4
1.2.2我国花生播种机的发展现状 4
2 播种试验台工作原理及总体结构 5
2.1工作原理 5
2.2总体结构 5
3 播种试验台主要工作部件参数的设计 6
3.1种床长度的确定 6
3.2种床带前进速度的确定 6
4 播种试验台传动系统设计 8
4.1一级皮带传动的设计 8
4.2二级皮带传动的设计 12
5.各轴的设计 15
5.1 轴的材料 15
5.2轴的结构设计 16
5.3第一传动轴(电动机与输送装置相连的轴)的设计 16
5.4第二传动轴的设计 20
5.5第三传动轴的设计 21
6.毕业设计总结 25
参考文献 26
1 前言
1.1 课题背景和科学意义
花生是一种高蛋白农作物,在我国得到广泛地栽种。2007年我国花生种植面积约8000万亩,总产量超过6800万吨,占世界总产量的22%左右。单从总产量来说我国已经是世界第一,但是单产量却远远低于欧美和澳洲的水平。例如,2003年,我国花生的单产量是每公顷14842公斤,低于世界平均水平每公顷16448 公斤,还不到单产量最大的国家新西兰每公顷44248 公斤的三分之一我国花生种植单产量很低这已是不争的事实,因此,我国应该把提高花生的单产作为目前提高花生产量的首要任务。提高花生单产的措施除了提高机械化生产水平外,还应该改进花生的种植方式。