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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥291
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 2BJ-6型小麦精密播种机采用的是“动力圆盘断草、与动力圆盘贴合的夹持式开沟器同位分层播种” 在已覆有秸杆的地中能一次性完成行方向秸杆切断、同位分层播种和中后镇压等多项作业的保护性耕作机具。
本文设计了一种 2BJ-6型小麦精密播种机,能够一次完成开沟、精密播种、复土、镇压等多项作业种植机具。整机质量:260kg,配套动力:13.2-22kw,播种行数:小麦6行,行距:25cm,工作效率:0.3-0.4hm2/h,后置液压全悬挂,精密播种小麦。配套动力功率计算后确定。具体设计内容如下:
关键词:保护性耕作机具;开沟器; 2BJ-6型小麦精密播种机

"Protecting the ecological environment and achieving sustainable development" has now become the basic policy that our country should follow in the process of rapid economic development. In the face of the rapid expansion of land desertification area and the year of a year of sandstorm, the country has been actively advocating and promoting the application of conservation tillage technology, in addition to the major measures to implement large-scale sand control and sand control projects and complete the return of farmland to grass.
The 2BJ-6 type wheat precision planter is a protective tillage machine with "power disc weeds and a clamped ditcher fitted with a dynamic disc in the same position." in the ground covered with straw, it can complete a number of jobs, such as straw cutting, sowing in the same position and repressing in the post.
In this paper, a 2BJ-6 precision wheat planter is designed, which can complete a lot of planting machines such as furrow, precision seeding, soil reclamation and compaction. Whole machine quality: 260kg, supporting power: 13.2-22kw, sowing line number: 6 lines of wheat, line distance: 25cm, work efficiency: 0.3-0.4hm2/h, rear hydraulic full suspension, precision seeding wheat. After the calculation of the supporting power power, it is determined. The specific design contents are as follows:
1. through consulting the relevant information and market research, collecting information, understanding the present situation of China's wheat precision seeder, making clear the purpose and significance of the research, and completing the issue report.
2., determine the overall plan and the performance parameters of the whole machine, and design and draw the general assembly diagram of the wheat precision seeder.
3., carry out the transmission design, determine the motion parameters of the working parts, calculate the power consumption and determine the supporting power.
4. design and draw fertilizing and sowing device, 1 zero general layout, 1 part layout and parts drawing.
Key words: protective farming machine, ditching device, 2BJ-6 type precision seeder for wheat.



目       录
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 背景及原理介绍 1
1.3 论文的主要工作和意义 2
1.4 总体方案的确定 3
2 动力性能的设计与校核 4
2.1 丰收180型拖拉机的配套适应性计算 4
2.2 拖拉机液压提升能力计算 6
2.3 机组操向稳定性计算 7
2.4 坡道极限倾翻角计算 8
3 主要部件的设计 9
3.1 轴的设计 9
3.1.1 传动轴的设计 9
3.1.2 轴的计算与校核 10
3.1.3 键的选择与校核 16
3.2 链轮的设计 18
3.2.1 链轮的计算 18
3.2.2 链轮的材料 25
3.3链的选择 25
3.4 开沟器的设计 25
3.5 侧传动箱的设计 26
3.5.1 链轮材料的选择 28
3.6 播种部分的传动设计 28
3.6.1 传动方式的选择 28
3.6.2 链传动比 29
3.7 播种施肥器总成 29
4 总结 30
致  谢 31
参考文献 32
附录 33
附录1 33
附录2 40
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  • 关键词 2BJ-6 小麦 精密 播种机 优化
  • 上一篇:花生播种实验台的设计
  • 下一篇:多品种食用物料混合造粒装置结构设计
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