


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥309
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-19)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

摘  要




Diamond is the ultimate material has many excellent properties, is widely used in industry, science and technology, national defense, medical and health fields. Sulfur doped diamond has many excellent properties, than ordinary diamond shows more excellent performance, has become the current research focus of doping of diamond.
This paper is sulfur powder through a certain proportion of the evenly added to the diamond synthetic system, synthesis of sulfur doped diamond by using high temperature and high pressure in the six cubic press. The experiment by setting the sulfur doping gradient, the effects of different content of sulfur in diamond synthesis. The experiment was divided into two parts: (1) experiment fumble stage: the experimental conditions were determined by synthesis without addition of sulfur diamond, ultimately determine the experimental conditions, pressure: 74.5Mpa, crystal bed and plug size: 6mm and 7mm; (2) sulfur doped diamond synthesis stage: the first stage setting next, the sulfur powder by adding different proportion into diamond synthesis system,synthetic diamond. Through the study found that: with the increase of sulfur content in the system, the color of diamond crystals gradually began to change, gradually change from yellow to dark yellow and black. At the same time with the increase of sulfur content, size and the integrity of the crystal is reduced, and pits on the surface of crystal is more and more serious,and inclusions in the crystal content increased, and the scattered gradually increased to run through the whole crystal.Through comparison of diamond Raman spectra of sulfur doped and undoped sulfur, we draw in the tolerance of the Raman peaks and FWHM are basic varies in a small range, the diamond Raman peak basically no change.
Keywords: diamond; high temperature and high pressure;sulfur-doped.

目   录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 金刚石简介 1
1.1.1 金刚石的组成 1
1.1.2 金刚石的结构 2
1.1.3金刚石的性质和用途 3
1.1.4 金刚石的分类 5
1.1.5 金刚石的成因 6
1.2 金刚石的开发简史和研究现状 6
1.2.1 金刚石的开发简史 6
1.2.2 金刚石的研究现状 7
1.3 选题意义以及主要研究内容 8
第二章 玻璃粉烧结金刚石砂轮研制 10
2.1 金刚石的生长规律 10
2.1.1 金刚石生长的一般规律 10
2.1.2 影响金刚石晶体生长速度的主要因素 11
2.1.3 金刚石生长速度的分区及分析 12
2.2 金刚石合成技术 14
2.2.1 高温高压技术 14
2.2.2 温度梯度法 14
2.3 合成实验的精密化控制 17
2.3.1 压力控制 17
2.3.2 温度控制与功率控制 18
第三章 磨削加工实验研究 20
3.1 原材料 20
3.1.1 传压介质——叶蜡石和白云石 20
3.1.2 石墨 22
3.1.3 触媒 22
3.1.4 氯化钠 22
3.1.5 材料加工 23
3.2 实验设备介绍 24
3.3实验组装 27
3.3.1 白云石衬管叶蜡石块 27
3.3.2 导电钢帽(堵头) 28
3.3.3 辅助热源 29
3.3.4 核心结构 29
3.3.5实验组装的确定 29
第四章 掺玻璃粉金刚石的合成 32
4.1玻璃粉的性质和成键特点 32
4.2玻璃粉的结构 32
4.3 实验条件的确定 33
4.3.1 触媒的选择 33
4.3.2 实验压力的确定 33
4.4实验结果与分析 34
4.4.1 合成温度 34
4.4.2 添加剂玻璃粉对金刚石形貌影响 36
4.4.3 掺玻璃粉体系金刚石的拉曼光谱测试 39
4.4.4 实验问题分析 41
第五章 结论 43
致  谢 44
参考文献 45

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  • 关键词 玻璃粉 烧结 金刚石 砂轮 研制 磨削 加工 实验 研究
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