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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥303
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The control system of strip tension during the coiling process
ABSTRACT:The metal strip as the raw materials for different metals and machinery products, has been widely used in various industries with its high precision size, good surface quality and superior mechanical properties.The mechanism of control tension and the basic principles of control are based on in coiling process, combining with the tension control method and its characteristics, the design study is proposed basing on the constant speed control system in this paper; The calculations for torque compensation calculation and dynamic compensation are based on the analysis for the moment inertia during the acceleration and deceleration of the motor; Siemens T400 technology board is used to complete the coiling tension control, according to the performance characteristics of hardware used in system and process requirements, control I/O point address assignment, the main circuit, digital input / output wiring diagrams and wiring diagram of the digital output module are set in this paper; Finally, the control system is used in its production which are based on the workshop process parameters and technical requirements for strip manufactures, it obtained that the strip tension coiling process is basically in a stable work and verified the reasonableness of the constant speed based on indirect tension control system by analyzing the test data.
Keywords: Strip steel; Coiling process; Constant tension; Control system
目 录
第1章 引言 1
1.1 课题背景及研究意义 1
1.2 卷取张力控制系统原理 2
1.3 国内外张力控制的研究 3
1.4 课题主要研究内容 5
第2章 卷取张力控制及基本原理 6
2.1 卷取过程中张力的产生及其分析 6
2.2 卷取张力的控制方法 8
    2.2.1 直接张力控制 8
    2.2.2 间接张力控制 9
2.3 惯性力矩和动态电流的补偿计算 13
    2.3.1 卷取机惯性力矩的补偿计算 13
    2.3.2 动态电流的补偿计算 16
第3章 卷取张力控制系统硬件的选型及设计 17
3.1 S7-300PLC可编程序控制器 17
3.2 变频器 21
3.3 光电脉冲编码器 25
3.4主传动电机 26
3.5 带钢卷取控制系统的输入输出点及地址分配 27
第4章 卷取张力控制的数据检测分析 29
4.1 T400工艺板 29
4.2 车间带钢卷取主要技术参数 31
4.3 车间数据检测结果 34
第5章 结论 36
致谢 36
参考文献 37
毕业设计附录目录 40

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  • 关键词 带钢 卷取 过程 张力 控制系统
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