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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥318
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The status quo and analysis of warehouse management of Wuxi new logistics Co., Ltd.
Abstract: Twenty-first Century today, with the acceleration of the process of global economic integration and the advancement of science and technology, logistics industry is booming, more and more logistics enterprises are increasingly fierce competition, And the third party logistics is to establish a new logistics organizational form on the basis of modern information technology, it can be the logistics operation process effectively combines, so as to improve the speed of logistics, logistics cost is saved, and constantly improve the level of logistics service. Warehouse management as an important part of modern logistics management involving multidisciplinary fields of logistics management and technology, is not only a place for storage of goods the, also for the circulation of goods processing, distribution in the sorting and packaging management and goods transfer operations to provide the place. Although the third party logistics warehousing enterprises can provide a wide range of services, but not all of the third party logistics enterprises will be able to operate their own warehouse well, in order to meet the different needs of the public.
 This paper outlines the related content of warehousing and storage management and in Wuxi, a third party logistics enterprise warehouse management as an example, the status of storage management and were effectively analysis, and put forward the corresponding optimization solutions and improve the efficiency of warehousing operations and warehouse operation cost is reduced.
Key words: storage management; third party logistics; Wuxi City


摘要、关键词……………………………………………………………………  1
一、仓储管理的基本概述………………………………………………………  2
(一)仓储管理的基本定义  ………………………………………………  2
(二)仓储管理的基本内容  ………………………………………………  2
(三)仓储管理的地位和作用  ……………………………………………  3
二、无锡纳百新物流有限公司概述……………………………………………  4
(一)公司简介 ………………………………………………………………  4
(二)公司的主要业务介绍 …………………………………………………  4
   1.整车运输业务……………………………………………………………  4
2.城市区域配送业务………………………………………………………  4
3.货物跟踪及报表服务业务………………………………………………  4
4.物流金融业务……………………………………………………………  4
5.企业整体物流策划、代理及供应链管理业务…………………………  4
(三)公司的仓库布局及设备介绍 …………………………………………  5
(四)公司的仓储中心组织结构及职责划分…………………………………  5
(五)公司的仓储管理作业流程 ……………………………………………  5
三、无锡纳百新物流有限公司仓储管理存在的问题  ………………………  6
(一)仓库布局安排不合理 …………………………………………………  6
(二)仓库基础设施和专用设备不完善 ……………………………………  6
(三)仓储作业自动化和机械化水平低 ……………………………………  7
(四)管理制度存在的问题 …………………………………………………  7
1. 人员工作不合理 ………………………………………………………  7
2. 缺乏对员工的职业素养培训 …………………………………………  7
3. 仓储管理型人才匮乏 …………………………………………………  7
四、无锡纳百新物流有限公司仓储管理问题的解决方案……………………  8
(一)实行现场5S管理制度并加强安全防范意识  ………………………  8
(二)提高仓储作业自动化、机械化水平 …………………………………  8
(三)优化企业内部的组织结构 ……………………………………………  8
(四)建立绩效考核方案  …………………………………………………… 9
(五)加大对仓储管理型人才的引进  ……………………………………… 9
五、结论 ………………………………………………………………………… 9
参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………… 10

[4] 詹姆斯·沃麦克.精益思想 [M].北京:机械工业出版社,2015
[5]张晓峰. 第三方物流企业配送中心发货流程优化策略分析——以江苏华商物流服务有限公司为例[D],无锡职业技术学院,2015


  • 关键词 仓储管理 写作 论文 无锡 百新 物流 现状 分析
  • 上一篇:冷链物流管理问题研究-------以深圳市为例
  • 下一篇:(写作物流论文)我国第三方物流的发展现状、存在问题
  • 暂无购买记录



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