The SWOT analysis and countermeasure of Wuxi yigoubao e-comerce limited corporation online operation
Abstract: With the development of the Internet, e-commerce also arises, which means the arrival of the e-commerce era. The companies which fail to keep up with the pace of e-commerce will lose their advantages in the process of competition. Many companies with traditional business also begin to march into the area of e-commerce. TCL, a huge international entity, is also expanding its territory in e-commerce. Under this circumstance, Wuxi Yigoubao E-commerce Limited Corporation established, responsible for TCL online operation. The main business of Wuxi Yigoubao E-commerce Limited Corporation is to publicize and receive sales orders of TCL televisions, refrigerators, air-conditioners, and washing machines in the platform of Tmall, Taobao and JD. Facing the current complicated market environment, it’s extremely important to gain the competitive edge in online operation. Based on the present situation of online operation, the writer has done some serveys and collected relevant data in terms of the way to operate and publicize an online shop. A SWOT analysis is established to testify the operation of the company. The article also brings up some strategies in terms of the improvement of the service staff quality, enhancing the impact of online activities, increasing the mobile terminal traffic and the following-up of after-sales service.
Keywords: Wuxi Yigoubao E-commerce Limited Corporation; e-commerce; operation; SWOT analysis
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
一、公司概况 1
(一)无锡易购宝电子商务有限公司简介 1
(二)电子商务概念及无锡易购宝电子商务有限公司的线上运营体系 2
1.电子商务的概念 2
2.无锡易购宝电子商务公司的线上运营体系 2
(三)TCL电视及白电是易购宝的主营产品 2
二、无锡易购宝电子商务有限公司线上运营的SWOT分析 3
(一)内部优势因素分析(strengths) 3
1.与同行相比,我公司规模庞大、实力雄厚 3
2.我公司是TCL销售公司成立,比代理商更方便快捷有保障 3
3.TCL给予大力支持,从价格和售后给予很大优惠 3
4.除线上产品外,本公司独有厂家垄断型号销售 3
(二)内部劣势分析(weaknesses) 4
1.客服人员不太熟悉TCL的产品,销售有些困难 4
2.TCL售后流程较为复杂,处理售后问题效率较低 4
3.新店流量较小 4
4. 赠品支持较少 5
5. 价格优惠较少 5
6. 总部对价格限制 5
(三)外部机会因素分析(opportunities) 5
1.国家对电商的政策支持 5
2.越来越多的顾客接受网购 5
3.电子商务平台越来越完善,网上交易更便捷 5
(四)外部劣势因素分析(threats) 5
1.电商规则越来越严厉,违规情况更容易发生 5
2.线下商店做活动,影响线上成交 6
3.线上推广花费越来越大 6
三、改进无锡易购宝电子商务有限公司线上运营的对策 6
(一)提高客服人员素质 6
1.每周举行例会,总结并且制定计划 6
2.定期培训,加强员工对电商的了解 6
3.邀请TCL市场部讲师定期进行产品培训 7
(二)加强线上活动的影响力度 7
1.活动策划要准备更充足 7
2.提前设计好图片和活动,让美工制作 7
3.各项推广全力开启,广泛宣传 8
4.利用好活动打折工具,精妙促销 8
(三)手机端流量的提升 8
1.微商城开启,并且全力跟进 8
2.直通车注重无线端投放 8
3.淘宝客加强推广力度 9
4.手机淘宝社区网红宣传 9
(四)售中、售后服务的跟进 9
1.开单、发货效率加强 9
2.跟进送货、安装、调试等售后服务 9
四、结论 9
参考文献 11
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