


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥292
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-30)
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摘 要:课题来源于生产实际,缝纫机变速箱箱体为大批量生产的零件,为了提高生产效率,满足被加工零件的精度要求且保持加工精度稳定,本课题设计了一台用于缝纫机变速箱箱体双面钻孔的组合机床。
Abstract: in order to improve the production efficiency, meet the precision requirements of the machined parts and maintain the stability of the machining precision, a combined machine tool used in the double-sided drilling of the gearbox box of the sewing machine is designed, which is derived from the production practice and the gearbox of the sewing machine is a large batch of parts.
The first part is the overall design. First, the overall plan demonstration is carried out, with the single position and double-sided drilling of the combined machine tool, the cutting tool selects the high-speed steel twist drill, and according to the selection of the cutting amount, the cutting force, the cutting torque and the cutting power are calculated, the main shaft diameter, the extension size, the type of the connecting rod, and the selection of the general components such as the sliding table and the power box are selected, and then the selection of the general components such as the sliding table and the power box is selected. The working cycle and working stroke of the power components can be completed. Finally, the three graph and one card are drawn.
The second part is the fixture design. Through the comprehensive analysis of the processed parts, the guide plate can be guided by the fixed drill template. The clamping device adopts mechanical clamping mechanism, which is directly pressed on the workpiece. The reaction is fast, the clamp pressure is stable and reliable, and the clamp has a good rigidity, so that the fixture can keep the reliability and stability for a long time.
The modular machine tool can not only ensure drilling accuracy, but also improve machining efficiency and reduce the labor intensity of workers. The fixture design is reliable, stable and easy to operate, and achieves the design requirements.
Key words: combined machine tools; drilling; jig
目    录
1 前言 3
1.1 概述 3
1.2 课题由来及基本条件 3
1.3课题设计思路 4
1.4预期成果及实际价值 4
2组合机床总体设计 5
2.1 工艺方案的拟定 5
2.1.1 被加工零件的特点 5
2.1.2 分析、研究被加工零件 5
2.1.3组合机床总体方案论证 5
2.1.4 定位基准及夹压点选择 6
2.2确定切削用量及刀具选择 6
2.2.1 刀具的选择 6
2.2.2 切削用量的选择 7
2.2.3 计算切削力 切削扭矩 切削功率 及刀具耐用度 9
2.2.4 确定主轴尺寸 外伸尺寸 13
2.2.5 选择接杆 13
2.2.6动力部件工作行程及循环的确定 14
2.3通用部件的选择 14
2.3.1 选用滑台形式 14
2.3.2选液压滑台的型号 15
2.3.3选动力箱型号 16
2.3.4机床装料高度的确定 16
2.3.5中间底座尺寸的确定 17
2.4机床分组 18
2.5 生产率计算卡 18
3 组合机床夹具设计 21
3.1夹具设计的基本要求和步骤 21
3.1.1夹具设计的基本要求 21
3.1.2 夹具设计的步骤 21
3.2 定位方案的确定 22
3.2.1 零件的工艺性分析 22
3.2.2 定位方案的论证 22
3.2.3导向装置 23
3.3夹紧方案的确定 25
3.3.1 夹紧装置的确定 25
3.3.2 夹紧方案论证 25
3.3.3 夹紧力确定 26
3.4误差分析 27
3.5绘制夹具装配图及零件图 30
4 结论 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33
附录 34
1前 言
1.1 概述
参 考 文 献
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  • 关键词 缝纫机 组合 机床 变速箱
  • 上一篇:万向节滑动叉φ39孔端面铣削组合机床设计
  • 下一篇:变速箱体精镗Φ110K7孔夹具设计
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