


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥296
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-09-18)
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摘  要
The installation and adjustment of Chang'an HONOR automobile air conditioner
Xuzhou is a relatively developed area in the northern part of jiangsu province. There are a large number of mini commercial vehicles without air conditioning. This article mainly aims at Chang'an HONOR this car air conditioning system installation and adjustment of system research, study the meaning of the main installation of air conditioning system is to make the car without air conditioning system performance, comfort can optimize related personnel in the field operation process, improve the work efficiency at the same time; The study of Chang'an HONOR automobile is because its sales and reputation are in the former position, and the research results are more representative and convincing. Firstly, this paper investigates the vehicle introduction and market demand for the installation of air conditioning system, and understands the reasons for the market and the effect of the market and users. And then describes the Chang'an HONOR working principle of automotive air conditioning system and the cognition to the parts, detailed describes the installation of air-conditioning systems needed to remove the related parts, prevent damage of disassembly process of the original car parts; It also describes the steps of the installation process of air conditioning system and the matters needing attention, so as to avoid the decrease of work quality due to the abnormal work of air conditioning system. Finally, the adjustment and maintenance of the air-conditioning system and the components of the original car are introduced, and the air conditioning system is improved to extend the service life and performance of the air conditioning system. Through the research and investigation on the installation of Chang'an HONOR automobile air conditioner, the installation process of Chang'an HONOR automobile air conditioning system is more comprehensive and more professional. According to the workflow, can optimize work steps, let can improve work efficiency, at the same time can provide interns perfect study documents, improve the quality of work, is engaged in the related personnel. It can effectively solve the problem of waiting for the installation of air conditioning system.
Keywords:  Chang'an HONOR; automotive air conditioning; install; adjustment
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1车型简介 1
1.2本论文的主要内容 3
1.3本章小结 3
第2章 长安欧诺汽车空调系统 4
2.1欧诺汽车空调的各个部件 4
2.2欧诺汽车空调的工作原理 5
2.3相关部件的拆卸 8
2.4本章小结 13
第3章 长安欧诺汽车空调系统的安装 14
3.1压缩机的安装 14
3.2冷凝器的安装 16
3.3前置蒸发器的安装 17
3.4顶置蒸发器的安装 20
3.5空调管路和线路的安装 22
3.6本章小结 25
第4章 长安欧诺汽车空调系统的调整 26
4.1各个部件的检查调整 26
4.2调试空调系统 27
4.3本章小结 28
结论与展望 29
致  谢 30
参考文献 31
第1章 绪论
长安欧诺汽车是长安汽车集团在2012年推出的一款新型的CDV(Car Derived Van)商用车,它有着MPV的正式和气派,有着SUV的越野性能,拥有轿车级别的豪华内饰,还有微型面包车一样的价格,是一款属于亲民的产品。
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  • 关键词 长安 欧诺 汽车空调 安装 调整
  • 上一篇:汽车空调检测与维修
  • 下一篇:宝马x5汽车空调故障分析与维修
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