micrsoft Excel单因素方差分析的探讨

micrsoft Excel单因素方差分析的探讨

micrsoft Excel单因素方差分析的探讨

  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥299
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-26)
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micrsoft Excel单因素方差分析的探讨

     micrsoft Excel单因素方差分析的探讨
摘  要

Analysis of variance in mathematical statistics is very common and very important to a statistical analysis method, has been widely used in many fields of scientific research.But the computation amount is large, and the calculating process is complicated, while the use of Excel for analysis of variance can easily and quickly solve computing problems, and from the data analysis results can clearly know which factors of the observed variables have significant influence.
The article describes the Excel application to analysis of variance by three examples. Example one introduces the application of Excel in the single factor analysis of variance, by the different price of Lishi District Lvliang City Longfeng Mall Dragon Phoenix Nest sofa and the sales of phoenix nest sofa monthly from February to July in 2014, using the data analysis tools of Excel software for the single factor analysis of variance, from the analysis of variance results can know the price of Phoenix Nest sofa has significant impact on sales.
Example Two describes the application of Excel in the absence of repeated two-factor analysis of variance. By the five kinds of sofa brand and the sales of different price ranges in Lishi District Lvliang City Longfeng Mall, using the data analysis tools of Excel software for the no repeated two-factor analysis of variance, from the analysis of variance results can know the price and brand of sofa have significant impact on sales.
Example Three describes the application of Excel in repeated two-factor analysis of variance. Through the investigation of apple varieties and sales forms of Nongfuguoyuan and the collection of  the apple sales for four weeks, using the data analysis tools of Excel software for the repeated two-factor analysis of variance, from the analysis of variance results shows apple varieties, forms of sell and combination of both types have significant impact on sales.
Key Words: Excel; Single factor analysis of variance; The repeated two-factor variance analysis; Repeated two-factor variance analysis; Significant test
目 录
第1章 绪 论 - 1 -
1.1 研究背景 - 1 -
1.2发展状况 - 1 -
第2章 方差分析的基本理论 - 3 -
2.1 方差分析的简介 - 3 -
2.2 单因素方差分析 - 3 -
2.3 无重复双因素方差分析 - 6 -
2.4 可重复双因素方差分析 - 8 -
2.5 2007数据分析工具 - 11 -
2.5.1 数据分析工具的功能 - 11 -
2.5.2 数据分析工具的安装过程 - 11 -
第3章 在方差分析中的应用 - 12 -
3.1 下的单因素方差分析 - 12 -
3.2 下的无重复双因素方差分析 - 14 -
3.3 下的可重复双因素方差分析 - 17 -
结束语 - 21 -
参考文献 - 22 -
致  谢 - 23 -

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  • 关键词 micrsoft Excel 单因素 ( 因素 ) 方差 分析 探讨
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