


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥306
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关键词:XXX煤矿 安全文化 煤矿企业安全文化

At present, the coal industry of China is in a high-speed booming development period, but the safe production of coal mining enterprises, has been plagued by coal mining enterprises. How to effectively curb these effects to the security of enterprise development has become urgent needs. In fact, in recent years, with the development of national economy, the country's investment in the construction of hardware facilities of coal production, coal mining enterprises in China is not backward than abroad, but the lack of "safety culture" policies and measures to the enterprise help. From the control in terms of coal mine accidents, safety culture is clearly more effective than the production set, technology and other hardware, more fundamental solution to the high accident rate. The construction of a safety culture is the survival and development needs of the coal mining enterprises, coal mining enterprises of the day famous works, the maximum welfare of the masses of workers. Leaving the safety to talk about the cultural construction of coal mining enterprises, the building of enterprise culture lost.Baizhuang Mine as a coal mining enterprises have realized in the coal industry in the current environment, the urgent need to strengthen the safety culture in construction, the enterprise has begun construction of a safety culture system, and have had some success, but there are still in the process of building issues, corporate safety culture system is still not perfect.
    Start from the basic theory of the safety culture, literature review related to the basic theory, the Baizhuang coal mine enterprises, access to internal documents, with site visits France Baizhuang Mine corporate safety culture in construction of the status quo through the survey method to understand and summarize the achievements already made, to identify shortcomings, then through the construction of character interview corporate safety culture of dialogue Mine influencing factors were analyzed, to identify the influencing factors of corporate safety culture in construction, and the causes and effects of factors systems analysis, and then the problems with the influencing factors, combined with the theoretical basis, the Baizhuang Mine corporate safety culture system construction and improvement, and finally raised the Baizhuang Mine corporate safety culture in the implementation of the construction method, the implementation of the method of steps and operations support. Through the whole process of research to solve practical problems in the safety culture of the Baizhuang Mine, perfect white Mine Enterprise Safety Culture system, helping businesses to achieve safe development.


Key words: Baizhuang  mine;Safety Culture;Coal Mine Safety Culture

摘要 1
Abstract 2
1引言 5
2安全评价 6
2.1安全评价的目的与意义 6
2.1.1安全评价的目的 6
2.1.2安全评价的意义 7
2.2安全评价的原理和原则 9
2.2.1安全评价的基本原理 9
2.2.2安全评价的原则 11
2.3安全评价的方法 14
2.4煤矿安全评价的作用 14
3管理制度与煤矿安全管理的理论基础 16
3.1管理制度的理论基础 16
3.1.1制度的内涵与制度的构成 16
3.1.2制度的供给与需求 17
3.1.3制度的功能 18
3.1.4制度的实施机制 20
3.2煤矿安全管理的理论基础 20
3.2.1煤矿安全管理的特征 21
3.2.2煤矿安全管理的基本原理 23
3.2.3煤矿安全管理的类型 25
3.3如何在煤矿安全管理的过程中保障管理制度功能的实现 26
4对平煤集团十二矿通风安全管理制度的评价 27
4.1矿井概况 27
4.1.1地质概况 27
4.1.2瓦斯煤尘概况 27
4.1.3矿井涌水量和生产地区煤层顶底板简况 28
4.1.4通风系统 28
4.1.5安全监测系统 29
4.1.6自救系统 30
4.1.7通讯系统 30
4.2行政管理制度 30
4.2.1“一通三防”管理机构 30
4.2.2“一通三防”安全工作管理责任制 33
4.2.3通风、瓦斯调度制度 37
4.2.4瓦斯日报审批制度 37
4.3技术管理制度 38
4.3.1通风、瓦斯检查制度 38
4.3.2灾害处理措施 38
4.3.3安技措费用 40
4.3.4矿井巷道维修 40
4.4对通风安全管理制度进行评价 42
4.4.1建立层次分析结构模型 42
4.4.2评分准则及指标得分 43
4.4.3确定判断矩阵 43
4.4.4计算判断矩阵的特征向量 44
4.4.5计算判断矩阵的最大特征根 45
4.4.6判断矩阵一致性的检验 47
4.4.7层次总排序及一致性检验 47
4.4.8 煤矿管理制度的总体评价 48
4.5几点结论与体会 49
5结 束 语 50
致  谢 51
参考文献 52

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  • 关键词 煤矿 企业管理制度 措施 制定
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