


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥308
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-03)
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                          摘 要

AGV是自动导引小车(Automated Guided Vehicle)的英文缩写。它是指电磁或光学自动导引装置的设备,能按照规定的行驶路径,并具有安全保护功能的作用。本次结构改进设计主要对自动导引小车的发展历史、种类以及小车结构结构改进设计和小车的技术参数进行说明,提出AGV导引小车结构改进设计的研究内容;然后说明自动导引小车总体结构改进设计,对于传感器的选用及规格参数也进行详细的论述及说明;在自动导引小车的机械结构改进设计部分中对车轮轴和轴承的选取和校核进行了比较全面的分析,这也是本次结构改进设计的主要部分,然后再从小车的结构出发,用Pro/E对小车进行三维建模,详细伺服驱动电动机的选取,齿轮的结构改进设计与选取,还有驱动方式和车轮的选择,最后说明传感器的布置;接着对自动导引小车的驱动系统和行驶过程也进行了比较全面的分析论述,分析小车在行驶过程中的驱动力、行驶阻力、行驶的附着条件与附着率,以及主减速比的选择和电源部分选择,这些都用来提高小车的性能;最后说明本次结构改进设计的结论和展望。在目前自动化的物流系统当中,自动导引小车将能够充分发挥其高效率,高灵活性以及经济性比较好的一些优点。

【关键词】 AGV;自动导引小车;行走策略;传感器;电机驱动





AGV is homing car (Automated Guided Vehicle) of English abbreviations. It refers to the equipment of electromagnetic or optical automatic guiding device, can drive path in accordance with the relevant provisions, and have the function of the safety protection function. This design mainly development history, kinds of automatic guided vehicles and the car structure design and technical parameters of the car, research content for the design of AGV guided the car; Then explain overall design of automatic guided vehicles for the selection of sensors and the specification parameters are also discussed in detail and instructions; In the mechanical design of the automatic guided vehicles parts and check the selection of car axle and bearing has carried on the comprehensive analysis, it is also the main part of the design, and then from the structure of the car, car in Pro/E 3 d modeling, detailed selection of servo motor, gear design and selection, and drive mode and the choice of the wheel, and pointed out the arrangement of sensors; Then the drive system and the driving process of automatic guided vehicles is also carried on the comprehensive analysis, this paper analysis the car in the driving force in the process of driving, driving resistance, adhesion conditions of road and adhesion rate, as well as the selection of main reduction ratio and the power part, these are used to improve the performance of the car; Finally, the conclusion and outlook of the design are described. In the current logistics system of automation, automatic guided vehicles will be able to make full use of its high efficiency, high flexibility and economy better some advantages.

【Key words】AGV; automatic guided vehicle; walking strategy; sensor motor drive




目  录
前 言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1 关于AGV的说明及研究 2
1.2 AGV的种类 2
1.3 国内外AGV发展历史及趋势 3
1.4 AGV的结构 3
1.5 AGV小车主要的技术参数 5
1.6 课题研究内容 6
第二章 AGV总体结构改进设计 7
2.1 AGV机构部分 7
2.2 AGV电控部分 8
2.2.1 传感器的选用 8
2.2.2 AGV的控制部分 11
2.2.3 AGV的执行部分 12
2.3 本章小结 14
第三章 AGV机械部分的结构改进设计 15
3.1 AGV机械结构的结构改进设计 15
3.2 AGV小车机械结构与建模 16
3.2.1 三轮布置的AGV小车结构与其建模 16
3.2.2 四轮布置的AGV小车结构与其建模 18
3.3 伺服驱动电动机的选取及其参数 21
3.4 减速器的使用范围及选取 25
3.5 轴的结构改进设计及其参数的计算 26
3.5.1 轴的结构改进设计方法 26
3.5.2 驱动后轮轴的结构改进设计 27
3.5.3车轮轴的受力分析和校核 28
3.5.4 车轮轴承的受力分析和校核 29
3.6 齿轮的结构改进设计和选取 31
3.7 驱动方式的选择和车轮的选择 33
3.8 本章小节 34
第四章 AGV驱动系统的结构改进设计 35
4.1 驱动系统的部件 35
4.2 AGV行驶过程的分析 36
4.2.1 AGV小车行驶阻力的计算 36
4.2.2 AGV小车行驶驱动力的计算 38
4.3 AGV行驶的附着条件与附着率分析 38
4.4 主减速比的选择 40
4.5 电源的选择 42
4.6 本章小节 43
第五章 结论 44
参考文献 45
谢 辞 47


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  • 关键词 AGV 自动 导引 小车 结构 改进
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