


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥308
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The Thinking of Combining Numbers with Shapes and It’s Application in Teaching
Abstract: Thinking of the combination of quantity and graph is a very important way of thinking method in middle school mathematics . It solves mathematical problem mainly through the correspondence and transformation between quantity and graph, which contains two aspects, graph helping quantity and quantity soluting graph. This paper discusses from three aspects the applications of the combination of quantity and graph on mathematical problem solving in middle school. First, construct geometry graph to help algebraic problems. Second, with the help of algebraic curve solute related question. At last, transform geometry graph into algebraic problems. So that we can simplify the complex problems, specify abstract problem .At the same time, this paper elaborates several issues be paid attention to when the combination of quantity and graph is utilized: Graphic existence, accuracy and equivalence.Number and shape are two basic concepts of mathematics,it can be said that the evolving of all the mathematic are generally surrounding the abstraction, evolution and development of the two basic concepts. Combining numbers with shapes is according to the intrinsic link between conditions and conclusions of mathematical problems, it can both analyze the meaning of algebra and reveal the intuitive of geometry which make a artful and harmonious combination between accurate depiction of the number-shape relationship and intuitionistic image of spacial modality. Combining numbers with shapes is basic thinking through mathematics teaching in primary and secondary schools all along, at the same time, it has a great benefit in higher mathematics teaching.
Key words: combining numbers with shapes; mathematics education; mathematics thinking



1  绪论 1
1.1  数形结合思想方法概述 2
1.2  数形结合思想方法历史演进 3
2  数形结合思想在高等数学教学中的应用 5
2.1  数形结合思想在高等数学教学中的应用 5
2.2  数形结合思想在高等数学教学中的应用 8
2.2.1  数形结合思想在高等数学教学中的地位 9
2.2.2  数形结合思想在高等数学教学的应用举例 9
2.3  数形结合思想在高中数学教学中的应用 11
2.3.1数形结合思想在高中数学教学中的地位 11
2.3.2  数形结合思想在高中数学教学的应用举例 13
2.3.3  数形结合思想的课堂灌输 16
3 应用数形结合时,要注意的主要事项 18
3.1 精确作图,避免潦草作图而导出的错误 18
3.2 注意转化过程要等价,避免定义域扩大或缩小 19
3.3 注意图形的存在合理性,不可“无中生有” 20
3.4 注意仔细观察图像,避免漏掉了一些可能的情形 20
4  结束语 22
致谢 24
参考文献 25

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