基于人机界面 点胶机器人系统设计与实现

基于人机界面 点胶机器人系统设计与实现

基于人机界面 点胶机器人系统设计与实现

  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥319
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-21)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)
基于人机界面 点胶机器人系统设计与实现

                                                          基于人机界面 点胶机器人系统设计与实现
The design and implementation of dispensing robot system
Abstract: with the continuous progress and development of society, to promote science and technology to promote the development of various industries toward a more intelligent direction, the diversification of products, so that the production line of diversification. The modernization of production has not only limited to the previous single, repetitive movement requirements, but more tend to diversify, intelligent direction of development. For example, automatic dispensing machine, packaging equipment is indispensable to perform packaging process. Now the dispensing machine on the market are mostly divided into rectangular and circular arc. And dispensing robot is the most simple, the most intuitive multi axis linkage device, which can directly show plane and three-dimensional points in operation, in the rapid development of automation there must be a place.
In this paper, we design the dispensing robot, mainly combines the advantages and disadvantages of the market some dispensing equipment, to carry on a comprehensive consideration. In our dispensing equipment, the use of pioneer RC1 PLC, TH765 touch screen, DS3E type servo drive and automation equipment. The main content of the research includes the PLC interpolation instruction and the logic instruction, the pulse instruction, the application of the bus instruction and the programming of the touch screen and the bus communication.
Among them, it is mainly related to the mechanical structure, hardware selection, hardware connection and software programming. The content of the basic constitute the general framework of the dispensing robot, and after debugging, to draw some data records, so as to reflect the system parameters.
Key words: robot, PLC, servo, human computer interface.

一、绪论 1
1.1.课题的来源以及研究意义 1
1.2点胶机器人的发展历史以及前景展望 1
1.3本论文中主要研究的内容 1
1.3.1各章节主要内容 2
1.3.2论文中研究的主要技术 2
二、点胶机器人硬件系统设计 5
2.1点胶机器人的硬件框架 5
2.2点胶机器人的机械结构 5
2.3点胶机器人的控制结构 5
2.3.1点胶机器人主控制单元 5
2.3.2点胶机器人执行单元 7
2.3.3人机交互界面 10
2.4点胶机器人硬件电路 13
三、点胶机器人软件系统设计 15
3.1点胶机器人总线控制方式介绍 15
3.2点胶机器人主控制程序设计 17
3.3点胶机器人图块程序设计 19
3.4点胶机器人图块编程底层程序设计 25
四、点胶机器人性能测试 28
4.1硬件测试 28
4.2软件测试 29
4.3软硬件综合测试 31
五、总结与展望 32
参考文献 33
附录(底层程序) 34





  • 关键词 人机界面 点胶 机器人 实现
  • 上一篇:基于PKI数字签名技术在电子政务安全中的研究应用
  • 下一篇:基于S7-200与变频器(FR-E740)控制系统设计
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