


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥290
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


摘  要 
关键词  干扰对齐  自由度  分布式处理  迭代算法  MIMO  
There has been a lot of controversy on interference alignment, which is a more radical argument. In a relatively short period of time, this concept challenges the traditional knowledge of throughput constraints for wired and wireless networks. A typical example is a wireless K user interference channel with transmitter and receiver. Here, because of interference alignment, the transmission rate of each user can be half of the capacity of the channel without interference, and send information to the expected receiving terminal. Although it can be infinitely large, this shows that the K user interference channel is basically unrestricted. However, until now, the effectiveness of interference alignment has shown that most of the assumptions are too idealized, for example, all channel information, bandwidth expansion, wireless resolution, high signal strength and significant delay. In this paper, the basic principle of interference alignment, the channel capacity of the degree of freedom, and the typical X channel and Gauss interference channel are analyzed. An analysis of the iterative interference alignment algorithm, one of the early concerns about the interference alignment scheme is to obtain all channel information. However, in this paper, we provide examples of iterative algorithm, using the dual channel wireless network, only know the local channel information under the condition of interference alignment, the algorithm is based on channel state under ideal condition, and are reversible channel, two kinds of distributed algorithm research, i.e. the maximum signal noise ratio algorithm and algorithm stem leakage minimum interference, these two points is the iterative algorithms to seek reliable pre encoding vector and matrix interference suppression. The relative difference is that the former aims to maximize the signal to noise ratio of the receiver, and the latter minimizes the interference power at the receiver, which can effectively reduce interference and achieve interference alignment. Through the analysis of experimental simulation results, some and transmission rate curves are obtained, and some opinions on the feasibility of interference alignment are also given.
Key word interference align degree of freedom distributed processing iterative algorithm MIMO
目  录
符 号 表 4
缩略语表 5
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 干扰对齐的背景研究 1
1.2 干扰对齐的研究现状 2
1.3 论文结构 3
第2章 干扰对齐基本概念 4
2.1 信道信息 4
2.2 自由度 4
2.3 干扰对齐的思想起源 6
2.4 对齐原理 9
2.5 干扰对齐关键技术 10
2.6 本章小结 11
第3章 干扰对齐算法的研究 12
3.1 X信道 12
3.2 K用户高斯干扰信道 14
3.3 干扰对齐算法分类 16
3.4 空间干扰对齐算法 16
3.5 时域干扰对齐算法 20
3.6 频域干扰对齐算法 21
3.7 仿真结果 22
3.8 本章小结 24
第4章 干扰对齐的可行性 25
4.1 线性干扰解决方案 25
4.2 合适与不合适系统 26
4.3 本章小结 28
第5章 干扰对齐的回顾与展望 29
5.1 干扰对齐的回顾 29
5.2 干扰对齐的展望 30
结  论 31
论文工作总结 31
未来工作展望 31
致  谢 32
参 考 文 献 33
  • 关键词 干扰 K 用户 信道 对准 自由度 分析
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