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  • 更新时间2024年
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语音是语言符号系统载体。由人的发音器官发出,带有一定意义的语言意义。语言通过语音实现它的社会功能。语言的声音和语言的意义是紧密联系着的,但语言和语音又是有着本质区别的。而MATLAB软件工具箱提供了对各种数字滤波器的设计。本论文“在MATLAB平台上实现对语音信号的去噪研究与仿真”综合运用了数字信号处理的各种基本知识,进而对不带噪语音信号进行谱分析以及带噪语音信号进行谱分析和滤波处理。通过理论推导得出相应的结论,再通过利用MATLAB作为编程工具来进行计算机实现比价已验证推导出来的结论。在设计过程中,通过设计FIR数字滤波器和IIR数字滤波器来完成滤波处理。在设计过程中,运用了MATLAB对整个设计中的图形的绘制和一些数据的计算以及仿真。本次论文制作,选取的是一段wav格式语音信号,运用 MATLAB软件分析语音信号的时域波形和频域图形。在对语音信号进行滤波处理前,先对原始语音信号进行了加噪处理,此举目的是为了使滤波前和滤波后的信号有明显区别。加噪后的语音通过MATLAB绘制出它的时域波形和频谱。加噪前后的语音信号我们可通过MATLAB软件中sound函数播放,明显感觉到加入噪声的效果。滤波处理后进行了语音回放。

关键字 滤波器;MATLAB;仿真;滤波;信号处理


Speech is the carrier of language symbol system. It is made by a person's articulatory organ, with a certain meaning of language. Language realizes its social function through speech. The sound of language is closely related to the meaning of language, but language and pronunciation are essentially different. The MATLAB software toolbox provides the design of a variety of digital filters. In this paper, the research and Simulation of speech signal denoising on the MATLAB platform is carried out. The basic knowledge of digital signal processing is synthetically applied, and spectral analysis and speech processing of noisy speech signals are processed by spectral analysis. Through theoretical derivation, the corresponding conclusion is drawn, and the conclusion is derived by using MATLAB as a programming tool to carry out the computer realization. In the design process, the FIR digital filter and the IIR digital filter are designed to complete the filtering process. In the process of design, the drawing of the graphics in the whole design, the calculation and Simulation of some data in the whole design are used by MATLAB. In this paper, a speech signal in wav format is selected, and the time domain and frequency domain patterns of speech signals are analyzed by using MATLAB software. Before filtering the speech signal, we first add the noise to the original speech signal, the purpose is to make the filter before and after filtering obvious difference. The speech after noise is drawn by MATLAB to draw its time-domain waveform and spectrum. The speech signal before and after the noise can be played by the sound function in the MATLAB software, and it is obvious that the noise is added. The speech replay is carried out after the filtering process.

Keyword filter; MATLAB; simulation; filtering; signal processing


第1章 前言 1

1.1 研究的意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究的内容 2

图1-1 论文设计的流程 3

第2章 语音信号的分析 4

2.1 语音信号的时域分析和频域分析 4

2.1.1 语音信号的时域分析 4

2.1.2 语音信号的频域分析 4

2.2 基于MATLAB的语音信号处理 5

第3章 滤波器的设计及实现 6

3.1数字滤波器设计的基本原理 6

3.2 FIR数字滤波器的设计及实现 7

3.3 IIR数字滤波器的设计及实现 9

第4章 去噪及仿真的研究 12

4.1 语音文件在MATLAB平台上的录入与打开 12

4.2 原始语音信号频谱分析及仿真 12

4.3 加噪语音信号频谱分析及仿真 16

4.4 去噪及仿真 19

4.5 结合去噪后的频谱图对比两种方式滤波的优缺点 21

总结 22

参考文献 24


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  • 关键词 MATLAB 语音 消噪 算法 研究
  • 上一篇:仿人双足机器人平衡控制研究
  • 下一篇:基于Matlab的遗传算法TSP算法程序设计及优化问题求解
  • 暂无购买记录



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