


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥300
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

摘 要:据悉,在欧洲一些发达国家,如德国,美国,比利时,用安全玻璃为95% ,而北京目前只有5% 。而世界平均水平为业界和住宅建筑行业的安全玻璃,钢化玻璃的占总数的50%至70%。在欧洲,夹层玻璃,中空玻璃的年产量约23万平方米的30%用于住宅用户户口,但仍然供不应求。在美国,中空玻璃的普及率为83% ,德国更是高达90 % 。英国,德国和其他国家已经颁布了新建和改造住宅使用中空玻璃的要求。在亚洲,日本也双层中空玻璃的生产和销售增长。随着建筑,汽车产业发展和人民群众日益增长的需求,生活的空间环境,安全玻璃,其卓越的安全性能必将得到更广泛的应用,其前景是光明的。


Design of test device of glass properties of building
Abstract:It is reported that some developed countries in Europe , such as Germany , the United States , Belgium , safety glass used was 95 %, while Beijing is currently only 5% . The world average for the industry and the residential construction industry safety glass , tempered glass of the total 50% to 70%. In Europe, the laminated glass used in residential accounts for 30% of the annual production of hollow glass about 23 million square meters, but still in short supply. In the United States , hollow glass penetration rate of 83% , Germany is as high as 90%. Britain, Germany and other countries have enacted new and renovation residential use of hollow glass requirements. In Asia, Japan is also double insulated glass production and sales growth. With the construction, automotive industry development and people's increasing demand for living space environment , safety glass for its excellent safety performance is bound to be more widely used , the outlook is bright.
The glass as a material , and all other materials , is a lifetime of a certain , particularly glass this material more brittle as compared with other materials , shock resistance , and has a lack of resistance to deformation , easily broken , once typhoons , hurricanes , earthquakes , hail, sudden temperature changes , are likely to cause accidents.
    This design of a building glass pendulum impact testing machine , the machine is rotating winding through the winch cable , and then the pendulum up to the specified location , the pendulum in a circular motion , impact glass on the clamping device specimen shock glass surface of the sample measured by the glass and thus impact resistance, penetration.
Keywords: glass pendulum clamping device


第一章 绪论 1
第二章  课题简介 3
(一)本课题研究目的与意义 3
(二)本课题国内外发展概况 4
(三)主要研究内容以及基本要求 5
(四)实验方案、实验方法及预期达到的目标 6
(五)完成课题所需的条件、主要困难及解决办法 6
第三章 系统总体方案的确定 8
(一)设计思想 8
(二)系统组成 8
(三) 总体技术方案 9
第四章 玻璃性能测试机的设计计算 11
(一)电动机类型选择 11
(二)电动机功率的选择 11
(三)确定电动机型号 11
(四)钢丝绳的选择 12
1、钢丝绳强度校核 12
(五)摆臂轴与轴承的设计 14
1、摆臂轴的力矩计算 14
2、 传动轴承的设计 15
3、 轴承的校核 16
    4、机架行走机构的设计 17
5、机架车轮锁死机构的设计 18
    6、玻璃性能测试机的使用说明 20
设计小结 21
参考文献(References) 26

[6]张展.联轴器、离合器与制动器设计选用手册[M].机械工业出版社.2009年8月第一版[7]AS-NZS_2208-1996——Australian/New Zealand Standard Safety galzing materials in buildings
[8]BS-EN_12600-2002 — —Glass in building — Pendulum test — Impact test method and classification for flat glass


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  • 关键词 玻璃 强度 测试机
  • 上一篇:轻型龙门铣床工作台纵向运动和横梁托板横向运动装置的设计
  • 下一篇:DTⅡ型固定式带式输送机的设计
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