


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥304
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-05)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

摘  要




The integrated design uses a mechanical drawing, mechanical design, mechanical principles, machinery manufacturing technology, Metal Cutting Machine design knowledge to  horizontal lathe design of the drive, Headstock mainly on the structure and box drive principle in-depth understanding.  lathe is the design and manufacture of a typical horizontal lathe. China's machinery manufacturing industries, is widely used. In recent years, although the development of electronic computers, technology and CNC machine tool CNC is the larger development, But through Lathe of research and design, broadening our horizons, enhance our practical experience, strengthen our own hands the ability to consolidate knowledge, we all got to go to work when to improve the professional quality of our great help.
The graduation of the study design, methods, results :
1. Drawing spindle lathes me through manipulation of the assembly, further in-depth understanding of the structure of the spindle box and its drive principle
2. Through the use of mechanical principles and mechanical design knowledge to design and check the shaft in lathe .
3. Finally the use of AutoCAD software rendering the machine spindle and operating mechanism , and the use of CAD to render the 014 shaft in lathe;Further skilled in the use of CAD .
Keywords :  lathe; Headstock; Transmission; Axis designs; Axis drawing.

目  录
第一章  绪论 1
第二章 设计步骤 2
2.1运动设计 2
2.2传动零件的初步计算 5
2.3零件的验算 8
第三章  车床操纵系统 14
3.1车床传动路线及传动分析 14
3.2  主轴箱的传动链 16
3.3 主轴箱的主要构造 18
第四章  传动设计 24
4.1分级变速传动链设计 24
4.2动力计算 28
4.3计算转速 30
4.4机床的功率转矩特性 30
第五章  双速电机机床主轴箱结构设计 32
5.1轴的设计及轴上零件的定位 32
5.2 轴承、密封、润滑 34
5.3齿轮 36
5.4操纵机构 37
5.5箱体 40
参考文献 45
致  谢 46

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  • 关键词 双速 电机 机床 轴箱 操纵
  • 上一篇:12级机床主轴箱及操纵系统设计
  • 下一篇:小型轧钢机的结构设计与性能分析
  • 暂无购买记录



    多重认证,精挑细选的优质资源 优质老师。





