


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥305
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-18)
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Gas gathering process simulation
    Aiming at the low temperature set station in the production of basic problems, namely, the key group divided into low yield, low temperature in the case of higher energy consumption of the gas station, on the analysis of domestic and foreign technology of light hydrocarbon recovery, simulation software and optimization technology status and development on the basis of established low temperature set station part of important units, such as the three-phase separator, compressors, pumps and distillation, molecular sieve dehydration device, such as an important unit of HYSYS model, the gas gathering station were the whole process of HYSYS software simulation, gives the main simulation process and simulation results and and site condition were compared. Through the analysis of glycol circulation quantity, de ethane tower bottom temperature, liquefied gas tower bottom temperature, reflux ratio, expander outlet pressure and other key parameters to optimize the objectives of the trend and the influence degree and to calculate the molecular sieve dehydration module load and the main variables of liquefied gas, condensate and lose the impact of natural gas, provides a basis for the optimization of the adjustment and optimization of the variable selection and optimization variables. Established the energy consumption per unit of propane recovery rate, and maximum yield the highest process calculation optimization model, respectively using HYSYS optimization module and nodes is used to analysis the different optimization schemes, after the final selection had to meet the main operation parameters of optimization variables. Under the optimal conditions, the yield of propane and key group is greatly improved, and the system energy consumption is reduced to a maximum extent, which can increase the yield and reduce the energy consumption.
Key words: gas station; process design; HYSYS

绪论 5
1   工艺设计说明书 7
1.1概述 7
1.2分离器的选用 7
1.2.1选用说明 7
1.2.2分离器的设计说明: 8
1.3关于换热器的设计说明 9
1.3.1换热器的作用 9
1.3.2换热器中流体的流动形式 9
1.3.3换热器设计计算 10
1.4装置平面布置图设计说明 10
1.4.1设计原则 10
2 HYSYS模拟工艺过程 11
2.1画流程 11
2.2输入参数 13
三、流程模拟 16
3.1、单井集输工艺 16
3.2、天然气浅冷工艺 19
3.3、丙烷制冷 25
3.4、天然气压缩 32
4  工艺计算书 43
4.1节流前后是否形成水化物判断 43
4.1.1天然气的有关参数: 43
4.1.2二级节流 43
4.1.3二级节流 44
4.2换热器的设计计算 45
4.2.1计算所需参数 45
4.2.2计算热负荷 47
4.2.3计算平均温差△t 47
4.2.4计算总传热系数 48
4.2.5所需换热面积的计算 52
4.2.6外壳直径的选择 52
4.2.7换热器内压降的计算 52
4.3节流阀的选择计算 55
4.3.1一级节流 55
4.3.2二级节流 56
4.4   分离器的设计计算 57
4.4.1各井来气在分离器处的压缩系数: 57
4.4.2计算K值 57
4.4.3气体负荷约束 57
4.4.4液体负荷约束 58
4.4.5计算长径比 58
4.4.6分离器壁厚计算 59
4.4.7分离器进出口管径 60
4.5   管径的选择与壁厚的校核 60
4.5.1井口到一次换热器前,一次换热后到一次节流前 61
4.5.2一次节流后到二次换热前和换热后到二次节流前 63
4.5.3二次节流后 63
4.6阀门的选择 64
4.6.1安全发的选择计算: 64
4.6.2截止阀、闸阀的选择: 67
4.7  汇管的选择设计计算 67
致  谢 69

[1] 梁平,王天祥. 天然气集输技术[M]. 北京:石油工业出版社,2008 
[2] 中国石油天然气总公司编. 气田地面工程设计[M]. 山东:石油大学出版社,1995 [3] 宋虎堂等.阀门选用手册[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社,2007 
[4] 全国阀门标准委员会. 阀门产品样本[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社,2006
[5]大庆石化总厂培训中心;《HYSYS应用基础教程》仿真课件 刘家洪,周平;
[6]《浅析hysys软件在三甘醇脱水工艺设计中的应用》 沈翠霞,张贝克;《hysys软件及其自动化接口研究》 贺雷;
[7]《hysys过程模拟软件在空分设备操作中的应用》 郭广智;
[8]《石油化工动态模拟软件hysys》 李孝军,练章华;
[9]《hysys软件分析》 化学工业出版社;
[10]《化工流程模拟软件hysys》 李士富,呼延念超;
[11]《基本负荷型天然气液化hysys软件计算》 陈铁光;
[12]《基于hysys软件空分系统流程的理论研究》 郭峰;


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  • 关键词 集气站 工艺 模拟 分析
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