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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥307
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The drilling special feeding manipulator structure
and guide slide design
Abstract: with the rapid development of China's industrial production, the rapid increase in the degree of automation, to achieve the workpiece loading and unloading, transport, or manage the gun, spray gun, in hand tools were the automation of machining and assembly operations, has increasingly attracted people's attention, also requires feeding mechanism is more flexible and flexible, in order to adapt to different items feed, the feeding manipulator has been become more and more widely used in automatic machines, automatic line.
Using hydraulic pressure as the working medium to drive the automatic cycle of the clamping mechanism can improve the automation degree of the machine tool, so that the work efficiency has been greatly improved. In this case, the mechanical clamping device can be used in a variety of process equipment, including a flexible automatic system of CNC metal cutting machine tools, etc.. The industrial robot arm is equipped with an automatic changeable clamping device, wherein the clamping device is used to ensure the operation of the blank at the same time and the parts at the same time. This design mainly for clamping device of the hydraulic system determined hydraulic system drive scheme and various parts of the function realization, and the design of the hydraulic system of the various parameters and actuator selection, performance calculation of the hydraulic system, hydraulic schematic diagram.
Keywords: mechanical hydraulic components; slide;
目  录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 研究内容 2
1.3 研究意义 2
第二章 液压系统的方案设计 4
2.1 机械臂的配置形式 4
2.1.1 供油装置 4
2.1.2 滑台的驱动装置 4
2.1.3 手腕旋转装置 5
2.1.4 夹持器驱动装置 6
2.2 机械手整套功能 7
2.3 机械手动作循环表 7
2.4 机械手液压系统方案 7
第三章 液压系统的参数计算 9
3.1 液压缸负载分析 9
3.2 液压马达参数计算 11
3.3 计算液压缸各工作阶段的工作压力、流量、功率 11
3.4 液压缸结构尺寸的确定 12
3.4.1 液压缸输出压力 12
3.4.2 确定活塞杆直径 13
3.4.3 确定缸筒直径 13
3.4.4 选择设计压力p 14
3.4.5 最小导向长度 14
3.4.6 缸筒外径计算 15
3.4.7 缸底厚度 15
3.5 液压缸强度计算和校验 15
3.5.1 液压缸和活塞杆强度的验算 15
3.5.2 活塞组件的选择 17
3.5.3 密封装置的选择 17
3.5.6 缓冲装置的选择 18
3.6 拟定液压系统原理图 18
3.6.1 选择液压基本回路 18
3.6.2 组成液压系统 19
第四章 液压元件的选择 21
4.1液压泵的选择 21
4.2 电动机的选择 21
4.3 液压阀的选择 22
4.4 油管的选择 23
4.5 油箱容积的确定 23
4.6 液压油的选择 23
第五章 验算液压系统性能 25
5.1 回路压力损失验算 25
5.1.2 工进时压力损失验算 25
5.1.2 快退时压力损失验算 25
5.1.3 沿程压力损失 26
5.1.4 局部压力损失 26
5.2 液压系统油液温升验算 27
5.3 滤油器选择 27
5.3.1 滤油器的要求 27
5.3.2 滤油器的种类 28
5.3.3 线隙式滤油器 29
5.3.4 滤油器的安装和维护 29
第六章 设计总结 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32

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  • 关键词 罩盖 钻孔 专用 送料 机械手 结构 导轨 滑台
  • 上一篇:蒸汽加热型汽化器设计
  • 下一篇:小型立式垂直轴风力发电机
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