


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥319
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-29)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

关键词:LabVIEW ;自动化控制;在线监控;数据采集;远程监控
Research and application of solid state brewing process control system based on Internet of things
  Abstract:in LabVIEW, PLC, OPC, in-depth study of modern measurement and control technology and SQL technology, combining fieldbus, Ethernet technology, while maintaining traditional fermentation process, the use of intelligent instrument, inverter and various sensors and advanced intelligent control method, liquor brewing process of traditional intelligent control and automation improved. This topic is developed on LabVIEW platform in the computer, through the realization of general automatic control system and communication subsystem of PROFIBUS-NET field bus technology; through the PC LabVIEW program, serial port card RS485 card and ModBus protocol access Yudian meter register, read the meter, vortex flowmeter, PT100 pressure sensor and transmitted to the Yudian instrument the value of water, steam pressure, steam flow, remote online monitoring of the temperature; through the PC LabVIEW program, SIEMENS P LC AI read PT100, liquid level instrument collection value, to the scene of the liquor temperature, yellow tail wine temperature, level of wine tail of remote online monitoring, the process for digital simulation quantity gathering process. The system has real-time and reliability. Practice has proved that the system of wine production process to achieve the intelligent automation.
Key words:LabVIEW; automatic control; online monitoring; data collection; remote monitoring





目  录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1论文的研究背景及意义 1
1.2系统设计思想 2
1.3本文对课题阐述的框架结构 4
第二章 基于LabVIEW的白酒蒸馏监控系统总体设计 4
2.1系统的总设计 4
2.1.1固态酿酒工工艺 4
2.2.2系统设计原则简介 5
2.2.3系统构成框图 7
2.4 系统已实现的功能 8
2.4.1设备控制系统与机器人装甑系统的衔接 8
2.4.2现场操控平板配置以下控制点: 8
2.4.3粉粮、稻壳、曲粉称重系统的整合及衔接的问题 10
2.4.4车间所需网络支持、各子车间通讯连接、各子车间PAD通讯连接 12
2.5系统改进的功能介绍 13
2.5.1蒸馏取酒系统 13
2.5.2摊凉加曲系统 13
2.5.3机械化、自动化装甑系统 14
第三章 系统实施方案 14
3.1硬件组成简述 14
3.1.1 工控机 15
3.1.2  PLC 16
3.1.3 低压元器件及变频器 16
3.1.4. 传感器 17
3.1.5. 阀门 19
3.2系统所涉及的主要技术 20
3.2.1 PLC和LabVIEW的通讯技术 20
3.2.2 SQL和Labview通讯技术 23
3.2.3  PID技术 24
第四章  方案的具体实现 26
4.1控制系统整体效果图 26
4.1.1主工控制控制流程界面 27
4.1.2远程平板控制流程界面 29
4.1.3机器人操控控制界面 32
4.1.4摊粮控制 33
4.1.5其他控制 36
1)、数据采集显示 36
4.1.6报表曲线界面 38
第五章 结论与展望 40
5.1 论文总结 40
5.2 前景展望 41
致  谢 42
参考文献 43
附  录一 44
附  录二 47
附  录三 48



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  • 关键词 联网 固态 酿酒 过程 控制系统 研究 应用
  • 上一篇:基于物联网的货物管理系统设计与实现
  • 下一篇:(射频技术RFID毕业设计)基于射频识别技术和无线传感器网络的窨井盖防盗监测系统的设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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