


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥301
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-30)
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摘  要
关键词:电解加工,成型原理,主传动系统,机床  西门子s7-200PLC

This paper describes the design process of electrolysis machine tools, also known as electrochemical machining ECM is based on the metal work piece occurs in the electrolyte by means of anodic dissolution and the principle of forming the cathode, the shape of the workpiece by a certain shape and size of a processing kinds of process methods.ECM known for its hard cutting materials, machining parts with complex shapes to reflect the special benefits, better adapted to the military industry in a number of key products, the special needs of military production in the first as an indispensable means and key technologies .
Electrochemical machining device is a complete supporting system, from machine tools, power supplies, infusion systems, and control four major components, machine tool main body of the device, the ECM field, its main function in addition to installing, positioning the workpiece and tool electrode and sent to tool electrode required, it must also be transported to the processing of current and electrolyte processing zones.The design of the main content is to complete the machine's mechanical body, main drive, spindle system, introduced three-dimensional electronic system design.
The machine uses double column guide structure to reduce the footprint, improve the rigidity of the system, process reliability and ensure accuracy. Stepper motor drive system used by the main harmonic reducer while direct-drive spindle motor through the screw will turn into a skateboard up and down.Harmonic reducer as high resolution transmission ratio, the spindle rotation accuracy can be guaranteed. Symmetrical power system is introduced brush structure reduces the error of the spindle round beating to ensure the reliability of electricity cited.
Keywords: electrochemical machining; forming principle, the main transmission system, machine tools
目  录
摘  要 1
第一章 引  言 4
1.1 电解加工国内外研究情况 4
1.2 微细电解加工机床研究的意义 6
1.3 本课题研究的主要内容 7
第二章  立式微细电解加工机床的总体设计 8
2.1 立式微细电解加工机床的总体设计原则 8
2.1.1 微细电解加工机床的设计所必须考虑的特殊问题 8
2.1.2 微细电解加工机床设计的基本要求 9
2.2 立式微细电解加工机床的总体布局 9
第三章 立式微细电解加工机床主轴系统的设计 12
3.1步进电机的选择 12
3.1.1 步进电机的选型原则 13
3.1.2 步进电机的选择计算 13
3.2 滚珠丝杠的选择 15
3.2.1滚珠丝杠选用原则 15
3.2.2 滚珠丝杠副选择计算 15
3.2.3 滚珠丝杠校核 18
3.3减速器的选择 19
3.3.1谐波减速器的特点 19
3.3.2 减速器的选用计算 20
3.4 联轴器的选择 21
3.4.1联轴器的选用原则 21
3.4.2 联轴器的选择计算 22
3.4.3  联轴器的校核 22
3.5 滚珠丝杠支承轴承的选择 24
3.5.1轴承的校核 24
3.5.3 轴承润滑 27
3.6 主轴的设计 28
3.6.1主轴的结构形状 28
3.6.2 主轴的设计计算 28
3.6.3主轴的校核 29
3.7 导轨的设计 31
3.7.1导轨的选用原则 32
3.7.2导轨主要参数的计算 33
第四章 立式微细电解加工机床工作台系统的设计 35
4.1 工作台步进电机的选择 35
4.2 电解槽的设计 35
4.3 机床的整体安装 37
4.4  机床床身的绝缘 38
4.5 机床连接件的选择 39
第五章  电解加工机床的安全防护技术要求 41
第六章PLC系统及相关知识介绍 42
6.1   PLC知识简介 42
6.1.1  PLC的定义 42
6.1.2  PLC的产生 42
6.1.3  PLC的种类 43
6.1.4   PLC的组成 43
6.1.5   PLC的工作方式 43
6.1.6  PLC特点 44
6.2  PLC系统设计原则 45
3.2.1  PLC系统设计内容 46
3.2.2   PLC系统设计的步骤 46
3.2.3 PLC系统的选择 46
第七章 PLC控制程序的应用设计 47
7.1  PLC的选择 47
72  I/O分配表 48
7.3  PLC接线图 48
7.4  PLC程序设计—梯形图 49
7.5  指令语句表 50
结  论 52
参考文献 52
致  谢 53
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[5]现代实用机床设计手册编委会,现代实用机床设计手册. 机械工业出版社,2006.
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[8] 朱树敏。 电化学加工技术,化学工业出版社。
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  • 关键词 西门子 s7-200 电解 加工 机床 结构 控制系统
  • 上一篇:基于西门子s7-200数控冷弯机结构及电控系统设计
  • 下一篇:12V135柴油发动机-传动轴X6135-07-011-III工艺编制及夹具设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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