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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥304
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     中国的汽车工业诞生于1953年。毛泽东主席写下“第一汽车制造厂奠基纪念”的题词至今已走过了50年的历程。历经了几代人的艰苦奋斗,中国汽车工业从无到有、从小到大,从货车时代到轿车时代,从“公车”到“私车”,其创建、成长的每一步都记载着中国的巨变,成为中国制造业发展与开拓的见证。如今,汽车工业已成为我国的支柱产业之一,在国民经济发展中占有重要的地位。电阻焊与汽车生产的关系相当密切,除了众所周知的汽车中车身装配点焊中大量使用电阻焊工艺外,在汽车零部件的生产过程中,凸焊设备及工艺对产品的性能,质量也起到至关重要的作用。 现如今轿车生产技术更新加快,车型变化加快,要求车身的自动化和柔性化程度提高。为了适应轿车的小型化和轻量化发展和提高汽车的耐腐蚀能力,汽车所有制用材料将发生很大变化。目前,已有许多车型的汽车车身部分或全部采用镀锌钢板替代了冷轧钢板,并将应用更多的中强钢、高强钢。此外,一些发达国家正在研究全铝车身的轿车。并且,随着汽车产量的不断提升,生产节奏加快,对生产质量控制和检验提出了更高要求。在白车身的制造过程中,采用凸焊工艺焊接螺母可以准确定位螺母的焊接位置、提升焊接质量,相对二氧化碳气体保护焊接更能减少有害气体对人体的伤害,在汽车行业已被广泛应用。同时由于焊接过程的各种因素,容易出现螺母脱落、螺纹损伤等缺陷给后续装配带来困难,有效的预防和控制各类缺陷对螺母凸焊的使用和企业效益都具有重要意义。所以,掌握正确凸焊的设备和工艺对汽车工业十分的重要。
关键字:汽车 电阻凸焊 工艺

    China's auto industry was born in 1953. The first automobile factory Chairman Mao Zedong wrote the inscription "commemorate the groundbreaking" course has gone through 50 years. After the hard work of several generations, China automobile industry from scratch, from small to large, from the truck to the car age, from the "bus" to "private", the establishment and growth of every step are recorded in the great changes in China, become the Chinese manufacturing industry development and opening up of the witness. Nowadays, the automobile industry has become one of the pillar industries in our country, which plays an important role in the development of national economy. Resistance welding and automobile production has a close relationship, in addition to the extensive use of resistance welder skill, the well-known car body assembly spot welding, in the production process of auto parts, convex welding equipment and process of the product performance and quality also play a crucial. Now the car production technology update to accelerate, the vehicle changes to speed up, the requirements of the body of automation and flexibility to improve. In order to adapt to the development of small and lightweight car and improve the ability to improve the car's corrosion resistance, the car ownership will be a great change in the use of material. At present, many models of automobile body part or all the galvanized steel instead of the cold-rolled steel plate, and will be applied more strong steel, high strength steel. In addition, some developed countries are studying the whole body of the car. And, with the continuous improvement of the production of automobiles, the production rhythm is accelerated, and higher requirements for the production quality control and inspection are put forward. In the manufacturing process of the white body, the welding position of the nut can be accurately located by the welding process of the welding process, the welding quality of the welding can be reduced, and the harmful gas can be reduced. At the same time, due to various factors, the welding process is easy to fall off, thread damage and so on. It is difficult for the subsequent assembly. The effective prevention and control of all kinds of defects have important significance for the use and benefit of the nut. So it is very important for the automobile industry to master the correct welding equipment and technology.
Key words: Automobile resistance welding process

摘要 1
1.凸焊的定义、工艺及其设备的介绍 7
1.1电阻凸焊的定义 7
1.2凸焊的工艺特点 7
1.3凸焊设备介绍 8
1.3.1凸焊机的种类 9
1.3.2凸焊机 - 优点  9
2凸焊与点焊的优缺点分析 10
2.1凸焊与点焊相比的优点 10
2.2凸焊与点焊相比的缺点 11
2.3凸焊的种类 11
2.4凸焊的原理及工艺和参数 12
2.4.1凸焊的原理 12
 2.4.2凸焊的工艺特点     13
3凸焊的强度和案例分析 15
3.1焊接质量的影响因素 15
3.2凸焊焊接过程工艺 16
3.3焊接凸点的设计 18
3.4常用金属的焊接 19
3.4.1低碳钢的凸焊 19
4.3.2 镀锌钢板的焊接 20
4.3.3 不锈钢的焊接 20
3.5凸焊电极材料 21
3.6 检验方法 21
3.7焊接前的工件清理 21
3.8飞溅 21
4  螺母凸焊在汽车上的应用分析 23
4.1 螺母凸焊在汽车底盘的应用 25
4.1.1底盘部件的材质 25
4.1.2螺母凸焊存在的问题 25
4.1.3提高螺母凸焊质置采取的措施 26
4.1.4六点式蠕母凸焊的经济效益 27
5  汽车制造中焊接的新技术 28
5.1 汽车制造中焊接机器人技术的应用   28
5.2 汽车制造中激光等高能束加工技术的应用   29
5.3 汽车制造中高效弧焊技术的应用   30
5.4 汽车制造中焊接新材料的应用   30
6  汽车焊接技术的发展趋势 32
6.1 汽车制造中焊接新技术的进展   32
6.2 计算机与信息技术在汽车焊接中的应用   32
总结 34
参考文献 35


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  • 关键词 电阻 凸焊 轿车 生产 中的 应用
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