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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥306
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    摘要:在现代这个竞争日益激烈的社会中,想要成为一名优秀的员工是一件困难的事。尤其在竞争异常激烈的推销行业,想要成为一名优秀的推销员更是难上加难。销售人员具有良好的心理环境和心理状态, 有利于影响和激发顾客采取购买行为,因此,成功的推销者大多 善于首先把自己推销给顾客,将商品推销的重点放在自我推销上 ,以赢得顾客的理解、喜爱和信任,其次才是在此基础上推销其 商品,由此而使推销目的得以顺利实现。国内外无数成功与失败 的推销事例告诉我们,推销的成败主要不在商品的魅力,而在于 推销员本身的魅力。推销员的魅力,一个很重要的方面来自于其 内在的良好的心理品格。要使自己成为一名合格的和卓有成效地从事推销业的推销员 ,要努力做到:信自己能够胜任推销工作,相信自己能够说服 顾客购买商品,相信自己能够战胜推销活动中的各种困难,无论 顺境还是逆境始终对推销事业充满必胜的信心,培养坚定的自信 心,是推销员迈向成功的第一步。 推销工作的成败,首先取决于你的心理状态,其次才是 其能力。自信是一种积极的心理暗示,并能转变为达到目标的积 极行动,促使人们以必定成功的姿态竭尽全力去完成预定的计划 或任务。当我们确信某种事情一定会实现时,结果往往能如愿以 偿。相反,那种消极的心理预想,因其束缚压抑人心的作用力很 大,结果失败的机率往往较高。   
    推销员的自信心,还能帮助其赢得顾客的信任。正如满怀热 情的人能使别人产生热情一样,一个人在充满自信的状态下与人 交往,便易于得到对方的信任。有这样一句名言:“自信则人信 之”。推销员只有对自己充满信心,才能感染顾客,影响顾客, 改变顾客的态度,使顾客对你产生信心,进而相信并购买你所推 销的商品。而缺乏自信,就会在推销活动中缩手缩脚、遇难而退 、坐失良机、无所作为。那么我们应该如何克服种种的难关,成为一名优秀的推销员呢?本文主要针对如何成为一名优秀的推销员展开论述,并以此寻求对推销人员成长有利的推销行为模式。 
How to become a good salesman
    Abstract: in the modern society, it is a difficult thing to want to be a good employee. Especially in the fierce competition in the marketing industry, a good salesman is even more difficult to become. Sales staff has a good psychological environment and state of mind. Beneficial effects and stimulate the customer to take purchasing actions. Therefore, successful selling mostly at first to sell themselves to the customer, merchandising focus on self promotion and solutions in order to win customers, like and trust, then sell the commodities on the basis of this, thereby making the marketing objective to realize smoothly. Domestic and foreign numerous successes and failures marketing examples of tells us that sell the success or failure of the main in the charm of the merchandise, but in the salesman of the charm. The salesman's charm, a very important aspect from the intrinsic good psychological character. To make oneself become a qualified and fruitfully engaged in selling industry as a salesman to strive to achieve: believe in yourself to competent marketing efforts, believe they can persuade customers to buy goods, and that we can overcome selling activities of all kinds of difficulties, whether in prosperity or adversity always on to promote the cause of filled with to win the confidence, cultivate confidence heart is salesman first step toward a successful. Marketing success, first of all depends on your psychological state, followed by its ability to. Confidence is a positive psychological hint, and can change to reach the goal of the product move, encourage people to attitude of success will make every effort to complete the schedule or task. When we're convinced that something will be achieved when the results can often get. Instead, the kind of negative psychological expected, because of the shackles of depressed people force is large. Results the chance of failure often higher.    
    Salesman's confidence, but also to help them win the trust of customers. As a man with full heat can make people warm. A person in confident with people exchanges, and easy to get the trust of the other side. There is such a famous saying: "confidence is one of the letter". Salesman only to be full of confidence to oneself, can infect the customer, the customer impact, change the customer's attitude, the customers have confidence in you, then I believe you have to buy and push pin commodity. The lack of confidence in the marketing activities will be timid, died away, miss, inaction. Then how should we overcome all kinds of difficulties and become a good salesman? This article mainly aims at how to be a good salesman to discuss, and in order to seek to promote the development of marketing personnel to promote the behavior mode.  
Keywords: salesman; excellent; hard work; inspiration; skill


目  录
前言 1
1.建立稳定的商业联系 2
1.1提高您的服务品质 2
1.2客户不满意的服务分析 3
1.3如何改善服务品质 5
1.3.2处理好与老客户的关系 6
1.3.3加强您的售后服务 8
1.4妥善处理客户投诉 10
2 时间管理的技巧 13
2.1花费时间与用时间投资 13
2.2让您的每一天都卓有成效 14
2.2.1制定第二天的工作计划 15
2.2.2留有计划外的时间 15
2.2.3利用最好的工具 15
3.1正视失败与拒绝 17
3.2选择推销的六种动机 17
3.3争取成功的机会 20
3.3.1妨碍您成功的阻力 20
3.3.2对抗失败的公式 21
3.3.3对待失败的态度 21
3.4培养良好的习惯 23
3.5培养您的第二天性 24
3.6消除自卑意识 25
3.7培养自信心 26
3.7.1确信您的工作对客户有贡献 27
3.7.2关心您的客户 27
3.7.3积极与热忱 27
3.7.4鞭策自己的意志力 27
3.7.5尊重您的客户 28
参考文献 30
致谢 31

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[7] 唐.舒尔茨,整合营销传播〔M〕,中国财政经济出版社,2005年版。 
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  • 关键词 如何 成为 一名 优秀 推销员
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