


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥297
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-21)
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How to Improve the Efficiency of English Classroom in Primary Schools


This paper first expounds the importance of English and the importance of English education in primary schools, and attempts to explore how to improve the efficiency of English teaching from two aspects: improving teaching methods and improving teachers'own quality. Among them, teaching methods mainly reflect its interesting and practical, grasp the psychological and physiological characteristics of primary school students, start with how to attract students'interest and improve teaching efficiency through the use of modern teaching facilities. In the aspect of teachers'own quality, it mainly focuses on the direction of improving teachers' personal quality and how to establish the relationship between teachers and students, so as to further improve teaching efficiency.

Key words: classroom efficiency primary school English




























1.Introduction 2

2.The Purpose and Role of an Efficient Classroom 3

2.1 The Purpose of Efficient Classroom 3

2.2.The Role of an Efficient Classroom 3

3.Existing Problems in Primary School English Classroom 4

4.A method to Achieve Efficient Classroom in Primary English 5

4.1Creating a Relaxed and Harmonious Classroom Environment 5

4.2 Creating a Good Situation of English Teaching and Learning 5

4.3 Grasping the Goal of Classroom Teaching Accurately 7

4.4 Adopting Flexible and Diverse Teaching Methods 8

4.5.Using Body Language in English Teaching 9

Bibliography 11

Acknowledgements 12


Primary English curriculum is an important course for students to learn. Through the study of English curriculum, it is more beneficial to the cultivation of students'comprehensive quality. But in the actual teaching process, due to the influence of many factors, there are many problems to be solved in the actual teaching. These problems are mainly reflected in the lack of attention to the status of English teaching and the incomplete understanding of English teaching. Teachers, students and parents have not paid enough attention to English learning, which will inevitably affect the actual teaching quality and hinder the provision of students'English learning efficiency. In the actual English teaching, the problem of mechanized teaching of students is quite prominent, and the teachers do not pay attention to the practice of students'spoken English. In the actual process of English teaching, there is no emphasis on students'oral English practice, some teachers only pay attention to the overall correctness, and some individual students' errors are not corrected, which will have a corresponding impact on the overall development of students. This is mainly because teachers in the actual work process, the workload is relatively large, so it is easy to have the problem of neglecting one thing or the other. These problems have a great impact on the improvement of primary school English teaching efficiency. Furthermore, in the process of English teaching in primary schools, teachers only pay attention to direct input, but the creation of language environment has not been strengthened. In the process of learning English, students will find it difficult, mainly because of the lack of native language environment. This will have an impact on students'English learning efficiency and oral expression, and the phenomenon of Chinese context will occur in English teaching. In the process of learning English, students lack the spirit of hardship, and their interest in learning English can not be sustained. Some students give up halfway through their studies, thinking that there are shortcuts to English learning and lack of perseverance. From the point of view of these problems in primary school English teaching, the impact on students'English learning is quite serious, which needs to find targeted ways to deal with. Only when these levels are strengthened, can the efficiency of English teaching be improved. Therefore, how to improve the efficiency of primary school English classroom has become an important topic. This paper first expounds the importance of English and the importance of English education in primary schools, and attempts to explore how to improve the efficiency of English teaching from two aspects: improving teaching methods and improving teachers'own quality. Among them, teaching methods mainly reflect its interesting and practical, grasp the psychological and physiological characteristics of primary school students, start with how to attract students'interest and improve teaching efficiency through the use of modern teaching facilities. In the aspect of teachers'own quality, it mainly focuses on the direction of improving teachers' personal quality and how to establish the relationship between teachers and students, so as to further improve teaching efficiency.



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[15]章永生. 小学儿童教育心理学课程学习指导书[M].高等教育出版社,1998.P13-P22



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