摘 要:会计信息披露质量研究是会计研究中的一个重要领域。会计信息是将企业经济活动会计信息系统化的产品。我国对会计信息披露质量特征的基本要求包括:客观性、相关性、明晰性、可比性、实质重于形式、重要性、谨慎性、及时性。
Abstract:The disclosure quality research of accounting information Is one of the important fields of accounting research.Accounting information is the product of systematic the accounting information of enterprise's economic activities.The basic requirements of quality characteristics of accounting information disclosure in our country including objectivity, relevance, clarty, comparability, substance over form, importance, prudence and timeliness.
As capital market standardization degree is increasing day by day, the accounting information disclosure quality of China's listed companies has gradually improved. But there are still some problems affecting the capital market order,which restricts the market economy high-speed and healthy development.Therefore, solving the quality of accounting information disclosure problems,finding ways to improve the listed companies' accounting information quality , is still need to seriously discuss in the present.
Based on analysis of the public company accounting information disclosure quality based on the status quo of China's listed companies, and points out that the existing accounting information disclosure, not sufficiency and falsity, identify the timeliness may affect China listed factors on the quality of the accounting information disclosure, and put forward improving accounting practitioners quality, strengthen the supervision and management mechanism and perfect the internal governance of listed companies and so on.
Keywords:Listed Companies;Disclosure Quality;Accounting Information;Influ-
encing Factors;Research
目 录
一、会计信息披露质量的内涵、判断标准及意义 1
(一)会计信息披露质量的内涵 1
(二)会计信息披露质量的判断标准 1
(三)会计信息披露质量的意义 2
二、我国上市公司会计信息披露的现状 3
(一)我国上市公司会计信息披露真实性的状况 4
(二)我国上市公司会计信息披露充分性的状况 4
(三)我国上市公司会计信息披露及时性的状况 5
三、我国上市公司会计信息披露质量存在的问题及原因 5
(一)我国上市公司会计信息披露所存在的问题 5
(二)我国上市公司会计信息披露质量问题产生的原因 7
四、提高我国上市公司会计信息披露质量的建议 9
(一)加强对上市公司的治理,从源头上遏制会计造假的发生 9
(二)加强监督管理体系的建设,确保会计信息披露质量的充分性 9
(三)完善会计信息披露的监管,防止会计信息披露滞后性 10
参考文献 12
致谢 14
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