


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥306
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-28)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


Causes of child abuse in kindergarten and suggestions for improvement
Abstract: Recently, the kindergarten frequently broke the child abuse event, causing widespread concern and Reflection on this issue. In fact, child abuse event is not just a problem, and rose to the level of national system management. For this phenomenon, from the aspects of government, educational institutions, principals, teachers and parents to explain reasons and corresponding measures for improvement, in order to protect the body and mind of every child to comprehensive, healthy and harmonious development. After analyzing the causes of these child abuse incidents, the community from all walks of life to reflect on those who should bear the corresponding responsibilities of the bad events. And to prevent the recurrence of such incidents, what measures should be taken to carry out a thorough discussion and put forward a lot of solutions. In the face of these problems had to make people think of government, pre-school education institutions, principals, teachers and children's parents, and they in the process of early childhood education role played by. Through the analysis of the causes of child abuse in the recent kindergarten, it makes people from different perspectives on children's education for deep reflection and reflection. Finally, according to the factors of the different effects of early childhood education, such as government, educational institutions, principals, teachers and parents proposed different solutions. As much as possible to make up for the current preschool education in the cause of some of the loopholes, and further promote the development of the whole education and social.
Key words: child abuse event; cause; suggestion

目  录
前言 5
1幼儿园虐童事件的危害性 7
2幼儿园虐童事件发生的原因分析 7
2.2幼儿教育资源的配置不科学 7
2.3幼儿缺乏自我保护意识 8
2.4幼儿教育管理的缺位 8
2.5缺乏法律的有效干预 8
2.6 教师职业倦怠成因  8
 2.6.1较低的工资福利待遇  8
 2.6.2过大的工作压力  9
 2.6.3工作缺乏发展前途  10
3加强幼儿教育管理、消除虐童现象的反思与建议 10
3.1加快学前教育纳入义务教育体系的进程 10
3.2加强幼儿教师的职业道德培养 10
3.3着重关注幼儿教师的心理健康 11
3.4促进相关法律制度的完善 11
3.6 杜绝职业倦怠现象出现的对策  12
 3.6.1放松生活,排解压力  12
3.6.2要提高教师工资与福利待遇,加强尊师重教的宣传  13
 3.6.3幼儿园要“量身定做”教师的发展目标  13
4结语 14
参考文献 15
致  谢 16

[11] 牛晓露.美国保护儿童免受虐待和忽视体系介绍[J],今日南国,2009,11 
[12] 李毅.幼儿园内部管理体制改革初探[J],学前教育研究,1999,2


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  • 关键词 学前教育 毕业 论文写作 幼儿园 虐童 事件 成因 改进 建议
  • 上一篇:(学前教育论文)幼儿园区域活动的创设与指导
  • 下一篇:(写作学前教育专业毕业论文)幼儿园室外教育环境创设的思考与探究
  • 暂无购买记录



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