


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥300
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-30)
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the design of gear processing rotary table on random indexing gear shaper

关键词 步进电机;回转工作台;单片机;任意分度











As one kind of the gear finishing lathes, the gear shaper has manifested the superiority in processing gradually, on the gear-hobbing machine, the gear cutter cann’t be true, for exampl- e,the twin gear and the annular gear, but they can be processed on the gear shaper. In this design, I use a step-by-step the electrical machinery to control the corner of rotary table. Under the control of monolithic integrated circuit, the number of pulse of the step-by-step electrical machinery each second can be sent out to decide the rotary table’s indexing angle, making the gear shaper to become the random indexing processing in the true sense .And then, the gear processing which is mentioned willfully might be realized.
The rotary table designed in this topic is controled by the monolithic integrated circuit to control the rotational speed of step-by-step electrical machinery, the step-by-step electrical machinery  send out the power firstly, through the gear drive and the worm gear worm drive, then the power is transmisted to worm gear , and worm gear-rotating makes the main axle rotate the same time, and then,it comes to be realized that the work piece clamped with main axle come to rotate.In my opinion,this design of the rotary table is practical, simple, reliable, and the efficiency is high.

Keywords  step-by-step the electrical machinery  the rotary table  the monolithic integrated circuit  random indexing

目       录
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的背景及应解决的主要问题 1
1.2 本课题的研究目的和现实意义 1
1.3 插齿概述 2
1.4 插齿机类型与适用范围 2
1.4.1 插齿机类型 2
1.4.2 各种插齿机的适用范围 3
1.5插齿机的工作原理及其参数 3
1.5.1 插齿机的外观图 3
1.5.2 插齿机的工作原理 4
1.5.3 插齿机的参数 5
2 设计方案选择 6
2.1 分度工作台 6
2.2 数控回转工作台 6
2.2.1 开环数控转台 6
2.2.2 闭环数控回转工作台 7
3 工作台设计 8
3.1 步进电机的选择与控制 8
3.1.1 步进电动机的特点与种类 8
3.1.2 步进电动机的选择 9
3.1.3 步进电动机的控制 9
3.2 蜗轮蜗杆设计计算 14
3.2.1 蜗杆传动输入参数 14
3.2.2 接触疲劳强度计算 15
3.2.3 确定蜗轮蜗杆的主要尺寸 16
3.2.4 确定蜗轮蜗杆的传动效率 16
3.2.5 选择蜗轮蜗杆的精度等级 17
3.2.6 蜗轮蜗杆传动的热平衡计算 17
3.3 齿轮设计计算 18
3.3.1 齿轮设计输入参数 18
3.3.2 齿轮的材料及热处理 18
3.3.3 齿轮的基本参数 18
3.3.4 齿面接触疲劳强度校核 20
3.3.5 齿根弯曲强度校核 21
3.4 轴承设计计算 21
3.4.1 轴承方案选择 21
3.4.2 轴承动载荷和寿命计算 22
3.5 箱体设计计算 23
4 控制系统设计 24
4.1 单片机 24
4.2 驱动电路的设计 24
4.3 电源电路设计 25
4.4 程序设计 26
结论 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34
附录 35
附录1 35
附录2 42


http://www.bysj360.com/   http://www.bysj360.com/html/3468.html

  • 关键词 任意 插齿机 齿轮 加工 回转 工作台
  • 上一篇:扭结式糖果包装机的设计
  • 下一篇:组合夹具设计及主要零件的工艺编制
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