


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥306
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-27)
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摘 要



After investigation, the market demand for ethylene glycol, ethylene oxide by direct hydration at home and abroad is the main method for the industrial production of ethylene glycol, but its production process, equipment, high energy consumption, the direct effect of ethylene glycol production cost.Therefore a kind of using advanced technology to save energy, reduce the cost, environmental protection, process for production of ethylene glycol is the inevitable trend of development.Thus, ethylene glycol coal demonstration project construction and future promotion. Can effectively improve the domestic ethylene glycol self-sufficient ability, alleviate the shortage situation, has strategic sense more practical significance.The objective of view. Ethylene glycol coal project the success of large-scale commercial operation and achieved good economic benefits, still need time to verify.So the use of coal as raw materials to the completion of an annual output of 100000 tons of ethylene glycol production project design is very meaningful.
At present,oxalate method the best studied, performed in two steps, CO and nitrite esters gas phase catalytic synthesis of oxalate ester, and then by the oxalic ester hydrogenation to ethylene glycol.The method uses alcohol and NO reaction of nitrite, on noble metal catalysts and CO carbonyl synthesis of oxalic acid two ester, oxalic acid two ester by catalytic hydrogenation to ethylene glycol.Therefore this design focuses on the production of ethylene glycol generalization of development and progress, elaborated the characteristics of oxalic acid lipid.The material balance and on the basis of the reference data, literature, understanding of domestic and abroad on the basis of the status quo, and then check the design manual and so on to determine the ethylene glycol production process, and the production of propylene device such as a reactor, separator, process design and calculation and the workshop and pipeline to make reasonable arrangement, finally draw the process flow diagram and related equipment assembly drawing.

Key word: Glycol; Chemical engineering design; Oxalic acid lipid
第1章  绪论 1
1.1  选题背景和意义 1
1.1.1  乙醇市场现状 1
1.1.2  30万吨乙二醇项目设计的意义 1
1.2  国内外技术现状和发展趋势 1
1.2.1 乙二醇石油路线 1
1.2.2 乙二醇非石油路线 2
1.2.3 本设计技术路线选择 3
1.3  本课题的主要内容和任务 3
第2章 年产30万吨乙二醇生产项目的工艺设计 5
2.1乙二醇的理化性质 5
2.2 草酸酯法制乙二醇的工艺设计 6
2.2.1  草酸酯加氢合成法制乙二醇的原理 6
2.2.2 草酸酯制取乙二醇的工艺流程 7
2.2.3 主要设备的工艺指标 10
2.3 物料衡算 11
2.3.1产品的物料衡算 11
2.3.2原料气的物料衡算 12
2.4 热量衡算 13
2.4.1 一氧化碳原料气再净化处理固定床反应器 14
2.4.2 草酸酯合成装置列管式反应器的热量衡算 14
2.4.3 草酸酯加氢制备乙二醇固定床反应器的能量衡算 15
2.5 关于核心步骤的催化剂 16
2.5.1 一氧化碳原料气净化催化剂 16
2.5.2 草酸酯合成反应催化剂 16
2.5.3 草酸酯加氢制乙二醇的催化剂 16
第3章 主要设备设计与选型 17
3.1 草酸酯加氢合成乙二醇的固定床反应器的设计 17
3.1.1 设计基础数据 17
3.1.2 催化剂用量 17
3.1.2 床高及直径的计算 17
3.2 乙二醇储罐的设计 18
3.2.1 储罐的容积 18
3.2.2 罐壁的设计 18
第4章 厂区布置及厂内必要系统的初步设计 21
4.1 厂区的初步设计 21
4.1.1 厂区布置设计的原则 21
4.1.2 厂区布置平面图 21
4.2 安全防火 22
4.2.1 概述 22
4.2.2 消防 22
第五章 总结 26
参考文献 27
致    谢 29
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  • 关键词 年产 30 万吨 酸酯 水煤气 乙二醇
  • 上一篇:年产5000吨葡萄酒工厂设计
  • 下一篇:年产20万吨异丙胺生产工艺车间工艺设计
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