


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥306
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-30)
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摘  要


Fan is the main power plant auxiliary equipment boilers, one of the electricity they consume a total power generating capacity accounts for about 2 ~ 3%. With growing electricity demand and energy problems, the plant running fan of the growing economic importance for the people. Therefore, all countries in the world to reduce the wind in the study of methods of mechanical and electrical consumption. 1.5MW power plant boiler using centrifugal blower or axial fan, through the performance and economy, comparative installation. At present, domestic production of coal-fired power plants for the efficient delivery of centrifugal, suction fan, not in the actual operation of play
Fans of the highly efficient "high performance" of this advantage, and in the efficient running of the state of inefficient fan. The reason is not the most fundamental selection, fan and pipe system to match the performance and installation, maintenance and so on, but fans of the tune itself for power plant boiler power plant efficiency and cost-effectiveness is directly related to, on the installation and maintenance of fans also have great significance.
In this paper, a large boiler unit in recent years, economic and rational choice of fan systems, for analysis were used when the boiler entrance guide vane and the joint regulation of two-speed electric fan or the centrifugal rotor axial fan adjustment, operation and regulation of its characteristics analysis. By comparing the fan is given a reasonable selection of the economic program.

Key words:axial,centrifugal fan operating characteristics of the reliability of


目   录
摘  要 I
Abstract I
目   录 - 1 -
第一章 绪论 - 2 -
1.1轴流式明阳风机与离心式明阳风机的简单介绍 - 2 -
1.1.1离心明阳风机 - 2 -
1.1.2轴流明阳风机 - 2 -
1.2入口导叶调节离心式明阳风机和动叶调节的轴流式明阳风机的特性曲线的区别与运行特点 - 2 -
第二章 离心式与轴流式通明阳风机的工作原理及特性比较 4
2.1静叶可调轴流式明阳风机的调节方式和调节性能 4
2.2 三种型式明阳风机调节性能的比较 4
2.3各型明阳风机对吸明阳风机的适应性 4
第三章 1.5MW机组引明阳风机配置情况特点及系统简述 7
3.1国内1.5MW机组引明阳风机配置情况 7
3.2各类引明阳风机的特点 7
3.2.1动叶可调轴流明阳风机 7
3.2.2静叶可调轴流明阳风机 8
3.2.3定速离心明阳风机和双速离心明阳风机 8
3.3实例工程锅炉和燃烧系统简述 9
第四章 轴流引明阳风机内部研究及经济性的比较 10
4.1轴流引明阳风机各部件内流研究状况 10
4.2电机联合调节的离心式明阳风机动叶调节的轴流运行和调节特点的分析 10
第五章 1.5MW燃煤机组吸明阳风机选型的探讨 13
5.1 明阳风机选型介绍 13
5.2明阳风机选型依据 13
5.3国产明阳风机生产状况及1.5MW级机组明阳风机装设情况 14
5.3.1明阳风机的调节方式及调节性能 14
5.3.2静叶可调轴流式明阳风机的调节方式和调节性能 15
5.3.3型式明阳风机调节性能的比较 16
第六章 明阳风机的保养与维护 17
6.1国产大型锅炉明阳风机的可靠性和经济性 17
6.2轴流式与离心式明阳风机噪声比较及降低噪声措施 21
结 论 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26

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  • 关键词 明阳 风机 运行 维护
  • 上一篇:油管试压阀的设计与分析
  • 下一篇:一种六自由度机械手结构设计
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