


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥307
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
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摘  要  


     With the rapid development of modern science and technology, assembly automation is gradually developed into today's world assembly of the mainstream of development,gradually replacing the artificial hand assembly, it has become one of the main indicator of measuring a country's level of mechanical development. Automatic assembly technology is to promote the importance of the overall optimization of the manufacturing system, productivity overall improvement, with a small amount of adjustment of workers to serve a certain number of automatic assembly equipment to increase the equilibriumlevel of production, to a certain extent.
    This design is needle bearing is automatically loaded needle machine, bearing bowls of election material sorting, and then the needle choice of materials sorting, both inautomatic assembly machines, automated assembly, resulting in a needle bearing. In this process, to solve some of the problems associated with this. Automatic assemblyworker fatigue, negligence, emotional, unskilled factors caused by defects or instability of the product quality. Time show that will make automated assembly reaches a certain volume hand assembly to maintain the same level of cost reduction. In many cases, the assembly of Automation, production area occupied than the hand assembly to completethe work area to be much smaller for the same production tasks.

Keywords:assembly automation ;needle bearing ;automatic assembly machine

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II

第1章  绪 论 1
1.1 自动装配与柔性装配技术的发展概况 1
1.1.1 装配自动化在现代制造业中的重要性 1
1.1.2 实现装配自动化的途径 2
1.2自动装配工艺的作用 5
1.2.1 便于自动装料 5
1.2.2 利于零件自动传递 5
1.2.3 利于自动装配作业 5
1.3自动装配工艺设计的一般要求 6
1.4 选择装配对象及自动化装配的过程 10
1.5 自动装配机的设计方法 12
1.5.1 产品规划阶段 12
1.5.2 方案设计阶段 14
1.5.3 技术设计阶段 15
第2章 轴和套装配机总体设计 17
2.1 设计主要参数 17
2.2 设计的基本思想 17
2.3 确定传动方案 18
2.4 选择电动机的类型与结构 19
2.5 选择电动机的功率 19
2.6 轴的结构设计与计算 20
2.6.1 带的设计计算 20
2.6.2 轴的设计与计算 22
第3章 轴和套装配机的结构设计 33
3.1 套体下料机构设计方案 33
3.2 针排序机构的设计方案选择 35
3.3 轴机构的设计方案选择 37
3.4 机构分析 37
3.4.1 套体的排序机构 38
3.4.2 针的排序机构 38
3.4.3 自动轴机构 38
结  论 40
致  谢 41
参考文献 42

Abstract II

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 automatic assembly of flexible assembly technology development profile 1
1.1.1 assembly the importance of automation in modern manufacturing 1
1.1.2 to achieve the way of assembly automation 3
1.2 the role of the automatic assembly process 5
1.2.1 to facilitate the automatic loading 5
1.2.2 conducive parts automatic transmission 5
1.2.3 conducive to automatic assembly operations 6
1.3 General requirements for automatic assembly process design 6
1.4 Select the assembly object and automated assembly process 10
1.5 design of automatic assembly machines 13
1.5.1 Product planning stage 13
1.5.2 The scheme design stage 14
1.5.3 the technical design phase 15
Chapter 2 needle bearing assembly machine overall design 17
2.1 Design of the main parameters 17
2.2 The basic idea of the design 17
2.3 to determine the transmission program 18
2.4 Select the type and structure of the motor 19
2.5 Select the motor power 19
2.6-axis structural design and calculation 20
2.6.1 with the design calculations 23
2.6.2-axis design and calculation 33
Chapter 3 the structural design of the needle bearing assembly 33
3.1 bearing bowls of cutting institutional design 33
3.2 needle sort the design options 35
3.3 loaded needle body design options 37
3.4 institutional analysis 38
3.4.1 sort of bearing a bowl institutions 38
3.4.2 needle sort institutions 38
3.4.3 automatically installed the needle body 38
Conclusions 40
Acknowledgements 41

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  • 关键词 装配 单元
  • 上一篇:自动上下料机械手的设计
  • 下一篇:轴承套的零件加工工艺
  • 暂无购买记录



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