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  • 更新时间2024年
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摘  要:国裕公司是一家以钢材贸易为主要业务的民营企业。该公司从上世纪90年代开始创业,由于公司采取了有效的经营战略,实现了由小到大、由大变强的转变。但从2005年开始,受国家宏观政策和钢材产能增加等因素的影响,国内钢材供需矛盾突出,业务量减少,利润降低。公司自身经营方面的问题日渐显现:经营思路不适应;产品结构不合理;经营管理人才缺乏。在对公司现有状况分析的基础上,本文提出以下对策:树立正确的经营理念;优化产品结构;营造吸引经营管理人才的氛围;进一步优化营销渠道,减少流通环节,降低交易成本;钢材贸易业务要与公司的物流和制造业务相融合,为顾客提供加工、仓储和运输等附加服务,更好的满足消费者的具体需求,提高获利能力;主动利用电子商务等现代营销工具,借助网上交易来提高信息流和资金流的效率;运用客户关系管理和发直供户等,形成大批稳定的客户群,以保住并扩大现有市场,最终有利于公司的长期发展。
Studying on Business Strategies of Steel Trade
in GuoYu Company
Abstract: Guo Yu Company is a private enterprise which takes the steel trade as the main service. On the last century 90's, the company started an undertaking, and company scale gradually realized from small to big and strong from that time, because company policy-makers adopted effective management strategies. In 2005, the factors including the national macroscopic policy and steel increase influence the domestic steel. Thus, contradiction of supply and demand in steel is prominent. Business volume and profit of company reduce. Questions of management appear day after day. First, the management mentality is unsuitable. Next, the product management structure is unreasonable. Finally, we are lack managerial person. According to the analysis on existing condition of company, this article proposes the following contents. We establish the correct management theory. Product structure is optimized. We must build atmosphere which attracts the managerial person. Circulation link simplifies and transaction cost reduces. Marketing channel is optimized. We put steel trade with manufacture and transport of company to meet consumer's concrete demands by providing services of store and transport. At the same time, the ability of making profit enhances. Modern marketing tool including electronic commerce is used frequently. We use the on –line transaction to enhance the efficiencies of information flow and fund flow. By customer relation management and making an honest deposition way of consumers, company will have a large quantity of stable customers groups. It will preserve and expand existing market and is advantageous to company's long-term development.

Key words: steel management; management strategies; marketing channel; customer relation management; electronic commerce
目    录
一、序言…………………………………………………………………( 1 )
二、企业发展历程及其经营战略………………………………………( 1 )
(一)初期……………………………………………………………( 1 )
(二)成长期…………………………………………………………( 2 )
(三)繁荣期…………………………………………………………( 3 )
(四)持续发展期……………………………………………………( 4 )
三、钢材经营环境分析…………………………………………………( 5 )
(一)宏观市场环境…………………………………………………( 5 )
(二)微观市场环境…………………………………………………( 5 )
四、公司经营战略中存在的问题………………………………………( 6 )
(一)经营思路不适应………………………………………………( 6 )
(二)产品结构不合理………………………………………………( 7 )
(三)经营管理人才缺乏……………………………………………( 7 )
五、国裕公司钢材经营战略……………………………………………( 7 )
  (一)树立正确的经营理念…………………………………………( 8 )
  (二)优化产品结构…………………………………………………( 8 )
  (三)营造吸引经营管理人才的氛围………………………………( 8 )

(四)优化营销渠道…………………………………………………( 8 )
(五)与物流业务的融合……………………………………………( 9 )
(六)与制造业的融合………………………………………………( 9 )
(七)电子商务的应用………………………………………………( 10)
(八)客户关系管理…………………………………………………( 11)
参考文献……………………………………………………………… ( 12)
致谢…………………………………………………………………… (14)
附表1  国裕公司竞争对手一览表……………………………………(15)

参 考 文 献
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  • 关键词 国裕 公司 钢材 经营 战略 探讨
  • 上一篇:(药学论文)医院安全用药宣传方案
  • 下一篇:江苏省外贸依存度现状和优化对策分析
  • 暂无购买记录



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