


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥309
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-22)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


Research on noise of Roots vacuum pump
Abstract:Roots vacuum pump has the advantages of simple structure, stable work andno internal characteristics of gas compression which is widely used. However,the problems of vibration and noise of Roots vacuum pump are also very prominent,which not only makes the equipment wear, but also to the surrounding environment and the health of the workers adversely. Therefore the design of the ZJ-600 type roots vacuum pump is as an example to study on the noise roots pump. Mainly is carries on the dynamic simulation of ZJ-600 type roots vacuum pump rotor. At first, grasp the principle the structure of roots pump; secondly, design of rotor profile of Roots vacuum pump, profile used in this design is the type of the two blade profile, by solving the analytice quations obtained line of the two rotor figure; thirdly , dynamic simulation is conducted on the rotor by using Fluent software, circular arc rotor of roots pump flow field obtained in the process of rotation maps; fourthly,analysis of the flow field distribution, through the analysis of the flow field distribution, through the analysis of the pump cavity pressure distribution, through the analysis of the pump cavity pressure distribution during the roror motion, after Fourier transform obtained boost distribution map finally, we can see that the noise size distribution of roots pump in the movement process of intuitive, and finally through the noise analysis of Roots vacuum pump draws the noise distribution of the change of internal Roots vacuum pump, so as to give the according to us.
Keywords :Roots pump; noise; simulation;rotor profile


目  录
中文摘要 1
英文摘要 2
1.  引言 3
1.1 绪论 3
     1.2 我国采暖水泵的现状 4
1.3 我国采暖水泵与国外先进水平相比的差距 4
1.4 采暖水泵的发展趋势 5
1.5 设计内容、步骤和目的 6
2.  采暖水泵的工作原理及其结构特点 7
2.1 采暖水泵的工作原理 7
      2.2 采暖水泵的结构特点 8
2.3 采暖水泵的应用 9
3.  采暖水泵的主要零件及结构设计 11
     3.1 采暖水泵的主要零部件 11
     3.2 电动机的选择 12
3.3斜齿圆柱齿轮传动设计 15
4.  转子型线的设计计算 19
4.1 概述 19
4.2 转子尺寸的计算 19
4.3 转子型线的绘制 23
5.  采暖水泵的噪声研究分析 27
5.1 概述 27
5.2 振动噪声的研究方法 27

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  • 关键词 采暖 泵房 噪声控制 方法 研究
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