


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥307
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
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针对问题一,我们采用GM(1,1)模型对浙江省GDP的确定性增长趋势进行预测,利用时间序列分析法对GDP的平稳随机变化趋势进行预测。得到2013年实际GDP预测值为5516.64 亿元,增长率为9.83%。该做法有效地将确定性增长趋势同平稳随机变化区分开,分别进行预测,提高了预测的准确度。

【关键词】 [GDP增长],[模型建立],[数据分析]



Study on the model of economic development in Zhejiang Province
【Abstract】 this paper deals with the problems of economic development in Zhejiang province. First of all, we need to establish the GDP prediction model in Zhejiang province. Secondly, we need to study the relationship between the GDP growth and the inflation rate, the industrial structure and the fixed assets investment in three aspects. Based on the characteristics of economic development in Zhejiang Province, this paper establishes a mathematical model to analyze the above problems.
In view of the problem, we use GM (1, 1) model to predict the growth trend of GDP in Zhejiang Province, using the time series analysis method to predict the GDP's stationary random variation trend. By 2013 the actual predictive value of GDP 551 billion 664 million yuan, a growth rate of 9.83%. This approach effectively the deterministic growth trend as a stationary random change area separately and respectively to predict and improve the prediction accuracy.
To solve the second problem, first of all, taking into account the different of the size of the price index effect on the rate of inflation by partial large Cauchy distribution function to determine the weights of each price index, construct a general formula for the inflation rate, then we can solve the 1978 to 2012 inflation rate. Then, using the grey correlation analysis method combined with Granger causality theory, establish VAR model, mutual influence between the inflation rate and GDP growth.
For three problems, the Cobb - Douglas production function, introducing structural variables, regression analysis of the statistical data of economy in Zhejiang Province from 2003 to 2012, the quantitative estimates the Zhejiang Province industrial structure change on the contribution of the economic growth rate.
In view of the problem. In this paper, the cointegration theory and error correction model, through the selection of Zhejiang Province from 1978 to 2012 economic statistics, the establishment of cointegration analysis model, carries on the empirical analysis on the relationship between fixed assets investment on economic growth. Final results show that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship, and given the short-term non equilibrium relationship of error correction model and the Granger causality test and found that the causal relation between the two.
The characteristic of this paper is based on the full and accurate data, based on the analysis of three aspects of established a reasonable economic growth analysis and forecast system, it has the characteristics of wide applicability, less error, on the three aspects of quantitative analysis, and according to the result of the model to put forward some feasible suggestions to us. ]
[Key words] [GDP] [model] [growth],[ data analysis]


第一章 问题的背景与重述 6
1.1 问题背景 6
1.2 问题提出 6
第二章 问题分析 8
2.1数据选择 8
2.2数据搜集 9
2.3数据描述 10
第三章 模型假设与符号说明 11
3.1模型假设 11
3.2符号说明 11
第四章 基于灰色理论和时间序列分析法的GDP预测模型 18
4.1 浙江省经济发展特点分析 18
4.2 利用GM(1,1)模型对GDP的确定性增长趋势进行预测 19
4.3 利用时间序列分析法对GDP的平稳随机变化趋势进行预测 20
4.4 分析浙江省未来几年GDP发展趋势 23
第五章 基于VAR的通货膨胀率与GDP增长关系模型 24
5.1 求解通货膨胀率计算公式 24
5.1.1 通货膨胀率 24
5.1.2 各物价指数的权重确立 24
5.1.3 通货膨胀率的计算结果 25
5.2 灰色关联度分析通货膨胀率与GDP增长关系 25
5.2.1 数据处理 26
5.2.2 计算关联度系数 26
5.2.3 Granger检验通货膨胀率与GDP增长率的因果关系 26
5.2.4 VAR模型估计结果 26
5.2.5 脉冲响应函数分析 27
5.3 结论 28
第六章 基于C—D生产函数法的产业结构对经济增长贡献模型 29
6.1 浙江省产业结构特点分析 29
6.2 模型的建立 29
6.2.1 回归方程的设定[3] 30
6.2.2 产业结构变动对经济增长的影响[4] 30
6.3 模型求解结果与分析 31
第七章 固定资产投资与GDP增长关系的回归分析模型 34
7.1 模型的建立与求解 34
7.1.1 数据的选取 34
7.1.2 序列平稳性检验 34
7.1.4 误差修正模型 35
7.1.5 Granger因果关系检验 35
7.2 模型结果分析与建议 36
第八章 模型的推广与结果分析 37
致  谢 39
参考文献 40
附录 41

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  • 关键词 浙江省 经济 发展状况 定量分析
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  • 下一篇:云南苦丁茶厂在经营过程中遇到的问题及对策
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